Bringing generations together with color
Pink? Yes, pink. “Do you have a man’s sweater vest in pink?”
The clerk raised his eyebrows in an “Are you for real?” nature. For an instant, I wished I had requested a man’s waistcoat, (he fancy men’s dress term for sweater vest) of Mr. Smarty/Contrary pants. Without being clearly discourteous and too brazen, I said, “Oh, you have shades of pink. Well, that is better yet!” After a bit of searching, I had in my hands a beautiful, medium pink sweater vest that I would be wearing for Father’s Day.
I personally believe that many intergenerational disputes come over color. Now, wanting to be a man of harmony when Miss Lydia thinks Daddy should wear pink, I agree! After all, when I had my color analysis done back in the ’80s I was a spring. Pinks are recommended friends of mine. I do have to say that I have been given some wonderful compliments when sporting a bit of pink. Pink was also present in my dad’s closet, and we all know how parents influence us.
“Daddy, you should wear pink again this Father’s Day.” Those were the words which drifted recently from Lydia’s little rosebud lips as she looked back on snapshots of her with daddy on previous Father’s Days.
It was four years ago when Jan said, “It is your first Father’s Day, and I want you to celebrate in your style.” Well, that is all it took to get me interested. The day arrived, and our family headed out of our bungalow for church services at First Lutheran. Weeks earlier we had generously been lent a beautiful vintage brown baby pram by Pat and Terry Goehring of Rolette. Complete with huge spoke wheels, riding springs, and a reverse hood and body carriage, this pram was deluxe. I know if it had had a horn and a motor we would have had to put a license on it!
Our trio heads east on Third Street and just starts to cross Highway 3 when a semi-truck comes from the north. We are waiting on the side of the road. Jan is head-to-toe in pink- complete with a wide-brimmed pink hat and matching shoes. Lydia is secure in the pram, abounding in pink blankets. I am attired in navy with a coordinating pink tie. The semi comes to an abrupt halt, and the driver leans out of the window, and in a deep southern drawl says, “Well, I haven’t seen a Norman Rockwell picture in years, but by gosh this is one for the Postyou folks have just made my dayplease take your time and cross!” What a Father’s Day! I finally stopped traffic with a fashion statement!
Each Father’s Day I am granted the privilege of selecting our attire for Father’s Day, and I am enjoying it while it lasts. It is a celebration in our home and family which brings together two or three generations in perfect color harmony. Father’s Day is a time when I especially reflect on the past year and even journal about it. As fathers, we should take an active interest in our children’s lives. A portion of this should be documenting joys we have known in the past year. Yes, we will probably share stories with our children, and this is fine. It is, however, the written word which will remain the permanent, treasured keepsake for our child and future generations. This is also the best assurance that your joys will forever be shared. Far too often precious memories are lost because they are not recorded. I share with you a few things that I have jotted down from Lydia this past year which she shared with me while in conversation.
After reading Cinderella: “Daddy why didn’t she get her old shoes back at midnight?”
While attending my great aunt’s funeral: “Daddy, the pastor is now sharing the Easter story with ushow Jesus was raised while God was in Heaven.”
After waxing our car: “Daddy, this is a big improvement, and I believe our car even runs better.”
After picking lilacs for Grandma: “Daddy I have seen lilacs in Rugby, Underwood, Minot and Turtle Lake. Rugby has the prettiest ones.”
While eating chili: “Daddy, you sure know how to make good chili.”
While riding her red tricycle about the campus of Minot State University: “Daddy, I don’t think I will take the time to visit Dr. Fuller today. There are so many sidewalks to ride on!”
The morning of Minot State University commencement: “Daddy I will skip the orange juice this morning as that will only make me go to the bathroom. I don’t want to miss any of the graduation.”
A Happy Father’s Day to all gentlemen. We certainly know that many mentor us as fathers. Maybe that special someone was an uncle, neighbor, or friend. We don’t need to be a father to be an important influence on children and young adults. Let us all mentor and have an influence that allows for respect and understanding. With this thought in mind let us all contribute to our growing and needing society. My Father’s Day will start in shades of pink, and when day is done and sunset brings in rosy hues, I once again will give thanks for the blessings of this special day.
I share with you the chili Lydia enjoys in our home.
Repnow is a Rugby resident.