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Report grazing losses due to flooding

By Staff | Aug 22, 2011

Grazing losses that resulted from flooding may be covered under the Emergency Livestock Assistance Program, according to Aaron Krauter, North Dakota State Executive Director of the USDA Farm Service Agency.

Excessive rainfall throughout the state and major flooding along rivers may have caused livestock producers to lose days that grazing is available for their livestock. ELAP can cover up to 90 days of grazing loss for a producer. ELAP also covers harvested and purchased feed that is destroyed by flooding.

Livestock producers who have lost grazing days or feed due to flooding should file a notice of loss at their local FSA office. The notice of loss is the first step in the ELAP application process and should be filed within 30 days of the loss being apparent but no later than October 31, 2011. After the notice of loss is filed, the remaining application process must be completed by January 30, 2012.

ELAP compensates livestock producers up to 60 percent of the value of the grazing loss or of the feed that has been destroyed. Nationwide, $50 million is available annually for the program. Payments will be factored if the total number of requests exceed the available allocation.

Livestock producers who request ELAP benefits must have insurance coverage on all crops, except grazing, on all farms in order to be eligible. This provision is waived for beginning and socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers.