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Anna Biberdorf

Apr 9, 2022

July 30, 1934-March 27, 2022

Funeral services for

Anna Biberdorf, age 87 of

Rugby, formerly of Wil-

low City, were held on

Friday, April 1, 2022 at

11:00 am at the Immanuel

Lutheran Church near

Willow City. Officiating

at the service was Pastor

John Bonine. Pastor

Richard Biberdorf was the

eulogist. Reena Samper

was the organist and spe-

cial music was provided

by the Biberdorf Family.

Casket bearers were Jor-

dan Azure, Michael Biber-

dorf, Nicholas Biberdorf,

Michelle Biberdorf, Za-

chary Biberdorf and

Robert Steiger. Burial was

at the Immanuel Lutheran

Cemetery near Willow


Anna Marie Biberdorf

(Steiger) went to her

heavenly home March

27, 2022. She was born on

July 30, 1934 to Ernest

and Sarah Steiger. She

grew up on the family

farm in Rolette county.

She attended country

school through the 8th

grade, continuing on to

graduate from Willow

City High School in 1952.

After high school she be-

came ill with polio where

she was told she would

never walk again. After

hearing the devastating

news she beat all odds

and walked down the ai-

sle to marry the love of

her life Ernest Biberdorf

on June 24, 1956. Togeth-

er they built their farm

and family on the Steiger

homestead in Rolette

County. In 1965 they

brought home a bouncing

baby boy named Billy.

William Ernest Biberdorf

(Kim) and then in 1966

they brought home Amy

Jo Vetter (Vern). Anna

was also blessed with 8

Grandchildren, Michael

Biberdorf (Casie),

Nicholas Biberdorf

(Emily), Michelle Biber-

dorf, Zachary Biberdorf,

Jordan Azure (Josh

Aberle), Elizabeth Sanda

(Derek), Katin Vetter,

Emma Vetter and 5 Great

Grandchildren Maisa,

Elyn, Alielle, Sylis, and


In 1994 they moved

into Willow City, ND.

Ernest passed away on

October 26, 2008. Anna

remained in Willow City

till 2018. That September

she moved into the Haa-

land Estates in Rugby, ND

until her death.

Anna had many talents.

From making and decorat-

ing many beautiful wed-

ding, anniversary, and

birthday cakes, to sewing

dresses, snowmobile

suits, and most of her

children’s cloths when

they were little. She also

crocheted and knit blank-

ets, quilts, and Afghans.

She also volunteered at

their church St Paul’s

Lutheran in Willow City.

From making the alter

cloths to teaching Sunday

school. She was also a

member of LWML

Over her life time she

touched many lives. Many

of her nieces would tell

you she was like a second

mom to them.

Anna passed away on

Sunday, March 27, 2022

at a Minot hospital.

In addition to her hus-

band and parents, she was

preceded in death by her

sister, Sarah Steiger.

Arrangements were

with Nero Funeral Home

in Bottineau. Friends

may sign the online regis-

ter book at www. nero-

funeral home.net.