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Alan Claire Rasmusson

Jul 18, 2020

July 28, 1922 – July 5, 2020

Alan Claire Rasmusson,

97, died on July 5, 2020 at

his home in Longview,

Washington. Alan was

born on July 28, 1922 in

Towner, North Dakota.

He was raised by his

mother Mabel. He gra-

duated from high school

in 1941. Alan worked at a

newspaper all his life,

starting in the 8th grade

sweeping floors and then

printing the Mouse River

Farmers Press in Towner

and the Pierce County Tri-

bune in Rugby, North


Alan went to college at

NDSU until World War II,

at which time he enlisted

in the United States Navy.

He served from July 1,

1943 until March 17,

1946. He was aboard the

USS Garrard that tran-

sported 1100 prisoners of

war who had survived the

Bataan Death March. His

ship was docked next to

the USS Missouri when

the treaty was signed that

ended World War II.

Alan married Alyce

Thorson in 1947 and they

had three children, Ann,

Kevin (Karen) and Reid.

He has three grandchil-

den, Steven, Dana, and

Jenna, and he has six

great grandchildren.

How he loved them and

all little kids! Whichever

neighborhood he lived in

the children would come

and play with him. Even

most recently in his 90’s

they would knock on the

door and say “can Mr.

Alan come out and play

  • “.

In 2003 he and Alyce

left Rugby and moved to

Longview, Washington to

be near family as they

aged. They became

members of Trinity Luth-

eran Church. Alan had

many friends both there

and at Zion Lutheran in

Towner and at Bethany

Lutheran Church in Rug-


Both he and Alyce

volunteered at hospice as

well as tutoring elemen-

tary students in the Re-

tired Senior Program.

Alan was an avid

sportsman and hunter and

took home many a

pheasant back in the day

when they were more

plentiful. He took both

sons hunting grouse and

ducks. He very much en-

joyed golfing with his

nephew, Randy. He was

also an excellent basket-

ball player and played

many a game with the

neighborhood children.

He loved the Portland


Alan was preceded in

death by his mother, Ma-

bel and his brother Loren.

He is still survived by

his wife, Alyce, who was

the love of his life in addi-

tion to their three chil-


To quote his niece and

nephew: “He was one of

the good guys”.

A memorial service will

be held at a later date in

Longview, Washington.

Niewoehner Funeral

Home – Rugby

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