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6-13-20 Obituaries

Jun 11, 2020

Wanda Claire


Dec. 13, 1922 – June 8, 2020

Wanda Claire Nielsen,

97, died at Bethany

Homes in Fargo on June 8,

2020. Wanda was born

in Des Moines, Iowa on

December 13, 1922 the

daughter of Dewey and

Vera Christina Carlson

Marshall. After her father

was killed in the line of

duty as Sheriff of Polk

County, Iowa, Wanda

and her mother lived with

her Uncle Gail and Aunt

Selma Hoffman and her

cousin Clark, who became

a brother to her: a life

long relationship. She

graduated from high

school in Ames, Iowa in

1940. She obtained a B.S.

degree in Dietetics from

Iowa State University in

1944. She married Al-

bert Milton Nielsen on

December 18, 1943 in

Kansas City, Missouri.

Milt later said that

“Wanda was the best in-

vestment he ever made”.

After WWII they moved

to Rugby in 1944 where

they raised their 4 chil-

dren and numerous dogs

and cats. Wanda was the

#1 supporter of her

husband’s business The

Rugby Creamery. In 2016

she moved to the Bethany

Homes in Fargo..

Wanda’s favorite joys

were her family, birding,

flower gardening, coffee

with her many friends

and entertaining. Wanda

was loved by many in

Rugby. Her energy

spread between First

Lutheran Church, the Girl

and Boy Scouts , Good

Samaritan Hospital Auxi-

liary and Hospice, Prairie

Village Museum, Heart of

America Library and

many other organizations

in the community. She

was honored by the Rug-

by Jaycees with a lifetime

service award, the Good

Samaritan Hospital Auxi-

liary award, an award

from the Rugby Chamber

of Commerce and the

Silver Beaver Award from

the Boy Scouts. . A very

important project that

Milt and Wanda support-

ed was Metigoshe Minis-

tries. In later years, Wan-

da became an avid NDSU


Wanda is survived by

her children: Al and Bev

Nielsen – Horace, North

Dakota and their children

Marc (Wendy) Nielsen,

Chris (Tina) Nielsen, Bet-

sy (Kyle) Debertin; Dewey

and Darlene Nielsen – Ox-

ford, Iowa and their chil-

dren Anthony (Erin) Niel-

sen and Kayla (Bryan)

Nehring; Nancy and Lau-

rance Heger Under-

wood, North Dakota and

their children Mike (Tale-

sa) Heger, Joseph(Sarah)

Heger, and Steven (Katie)

Heger. She also leaves a

son-in-law Jim Meehan

Chazy, New York and his

children Pat (Liz) Meehan

and Sam Meehan. She

had 28

great-grandchildren and a

very special cousin (

brother), Clark Hoffman

Mercer Island, Wash-

ington. She was preceded

in death by her beloved

husband, Milt Nielsen ,

her parents, her beloved

daughter Ann Maureen

Meehan and her precious

granddaughter Alyssa


Funeral services will be

held at First Lutheran

Church in Rugby on Mon-

day, June 15 at 1:00 P.M.

Visitation will be held at

the church for an hour

prior to the service. Rev.

Sharon Baker will offici-

ate while Craig Wollen-

berg and Pam Anderson

will provide music.

Wanda’s grandchildren

will carry her casket for

burial at Persilla Watts

Cemetery in Rugby fol-

lowing the service.

Even though Covid-19

restrictions have been

somewhat relaxed, guests

are urged to observe social

distancing and to wear fa-

cial coverings if possible.

On line tributes at


Niewoehner Funeral

Home – Rugby

701- 776-6222



Mar. 8, 1945 – June 3, 2020

Claudette Smette, 75,

Jamestown, ND died

Wednesday evening June

3, 2020 at her home in

Jamestown surrounded by


Claudette J. Oppen was

born March 8, 1945 at

Rugby, North Dakota the

daughter of Claude Oppen

and Bertha (Olson) Op-

pen. She received her ele-

mentary education in

Berwick and Rugby. She

graduated from the Rugby

High School in 1963. She

then attended University

of ND graduating with

majored in Physical Edu-

cation and a minor in

Math. She started work-

ing at Pittsville, WI where

she taught and coached.

She and David H.

Smette were married June

15, 1968 in the First Luth-

eran Church at Rugby,

ND. They lived in Dug-

way, UT while Dave was

serving in the US Army.

They then made their

home in Random Lake,

WI where she taught and

coach from 1969-1973.

They returned to ND

where Dave served as a

school superintendent. In

1983 she started V&S

Variety Store in Hazen,

ND which she owned and

operated until 1989. They

moved back to Wisconsin

living in Menomonie. In

2003 they moved to

Jamestown where they

have continued to resid-


She was member of

Atonement Lutheran

Church in Jamestown,

and Jamestown Regional

Medical Center Auxiliary.

Claudette enjoyed gar-

dening, fishing and camp-

ing. She also showed her

talents in cake decorating,

cooking and making


Surviving are her hus-

band David, Jamestown,

ND, two daughters, Can-

dance Howe and Pamela

Smette, three grandchil-

dren Melissa, Seth and

Marie, one sister, Lois

Anderson, her blood sister

Jeanie Baglien.

She was preceded in

death by her parents, 1

grandson, Ethan, 1 sister

Connie, 2 brothers, Robert

and Richard.

Funeral Service will be

at 11:00 AM Monday in

the Haut Funeral Chapel

in Jamestown, ND with

Rev. Linda Schauer, offi-

ciating. Claudette’s ser-

vice will be video record-

ed to be view on the fun-

eral home website.

Prayer Service: 7:00

PM Sunday evening at the

Funeral Home

Visitation 1-8 Sunday at

the Funeral Home

Interment will take

place at 2:00 PM Tuesday

at the Bloomfield Luth-

eran Cemetery at Upham,


In Lieu of Flowers fami-

ly prefers memorials to

JRMC Hospice and Anne

Carlsen Center.

Arrangements are by

the Haut Funeral Home

and Celebration of Life

Center in Jamestown, ND.