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1-4-20 Obituaries

Jan 3, 2020


Mary Lynn Schmaltz

Nov. 8, 1946 – Dec. 18, 2019

Mary Lynn Schmaltz

73, Fargo died on


Wednesday December 18,

2019 at Bethany on South

University in Fargo.

Mary Lynn was born on

November 8, 1946 to


Adam and Margaret Axt-

man in Rugby, ND. She

lived on a farm near Silva,

ND with her parents and

five siblings. Mary Lynn’s


early education was in a

one room schoolhouse in

the town of Silva, ND.

After middle school, Mary

Lynn attended Rugby

High School graduating in

1964 before attending the

University of North Dako-

ta where she earned a

Bachelor of Science in Oc-

cupational Therapy in De-

cember of 1968. While at-

tending UND, Mary Lynn

enjoyed watching their

Fighting Sioux hockey

team in The Barn!

While growing up on

the farm, Mary Lynn real-

ly enjoyed helping her

dad with farm work.

When she was very

young, her dad would put

the farm truck in gear and

start it rolling out in the

field, then place Mary

Lynn in the driver’s seat

to steer the truck back to

the yard where her mom

would jump in and stop

the truck. Mary Lynn

would also stand in the

back of the sleigh and

throw hay bales to the


Mary Lynn met Donald

Schmaltz in high school

and they were married in

1967. After moving to

several different cities,

they settled in Fargo, ND

with their four boys;

Mark, Scott, Chris, and

Jeff. Mary Lynn liked to

bake sweets during the

holidays, was in a bowl-

ing league for a number of

years, gardening, and can-

ning the fruits of her la-

bor. In her later years, she

worked passionately on

genealogy and put to-

gether a large family his-

tory tracing family lines

back to the late 1600’s.

Most of all she liked to

spend time with her four

boys and six grandchil-


Due to her extensive

work on the genealogy she

had completed, Mary

Lynn was asked to go to

Germany and surrounding

countries by the Germans

from Russia Heritage So-

ciety. She considered this

a trip of a lifetime. While

overseas, she had the op-

portunity to visit many

historic sites in Germany

and Austria.

Mary Lynn spent her

later years at Bethany on

South University where

she enjoyed going to

church, stealing cookies

from her floor mates and

joking with the staff. She

would also allocate

prayers to her floor mates

and staff on her way to

church every Friday.

Mary Lynn is survived

by her four sons; Mark

(Kelly) Schmaltz Fargo,

ND, Scott Schmaltz

Fargo, ND, Chris

Schmaltz Casa Grande,

AZ, and Jeff (Julia)

Schmaltz Fargo, ND

along with her four si-

blings Bernie (Jerry)

Klein, Joan (John) Van-

Dyke, Paulette (Larry) Os-

borne, and Leon Axtman.

She is also survived by

her grandkids Madalyn,

Logan, Grace, Skye, Maya,

and Aubrey.

Mary Lynn was preced-

ed in death by her parents

Adam and Margaret Axt-

man and her sister Laurie


Funeral Service was

held on Thursday, Janu-

ary 2, 2020 at 2:00 PM at

Mavis Whiting Chapel of

Bethany Retirement Liv-

ing, Fargo, ND. Arrange-

ments entrusted to the

care of the Boulger Fun-

eral Home and Celebra-

tion of Life Center, Fargo,

ND. To visit our online

guestbook please go to


Margaret Elizabeth Ann (Dahl) Rogelstad

Aug. 13, 1934 – Dec. 20, 2019

Margaret Elizabeth Ann

(Dahl) Rogelstad passed

away on Friday, De-

cember 20th, 2019. She

was born on August 13,

1934 in Rugby, ND at the

Good Samaritan Hospital

to Arthur M. and Minetta

(Nelson) Dahl. She at-

tended Elementary and

some High School in Bar-

ton, ND and graduated

from Rugby, ND. She also

attended 1 Yr. in 1947 in

Missoula, MT where she

completed 8th grade.

During that year, she was

struck by a Hit & Run

Driver and nearly lost her

leg. Both before and after

her marriage, she worked

many years for the USDA

Office and Merchants

Bank in Rugby. She was

often commended and

promoted for her work

and supervisory perfor-

mance. She moved to

Fargo, ND in 1991 and

worked at Alerus Bank

until retirement.

While growing up,

Margaret’s biggest pleas-

ures were listening to

Country Music, dancing,

and pestering her Broth-

ers. She badgered her

younger Brother into re-

luctantly learning to

dance and incessantly

begged him to dance with

her on an almost daily

basis during her teen

years. Her Feisty, Tom

Boy personality was no-

torious. At about 9, she

was driving a team of

horses unassisted and

could swear like a Lum-

berjack. Woe be it to any

boy who threw snowballs

at her or pushed her

around. She could hold

her own in any scrap with

boys even older than she.

Margaret was a lovable,

sassy rascal beloved by all

in her family. She was

also a great Mother and a

rabid Basketball Fan.

Margaret married

Charles D. Rogelstad on

26 September 1953. Both

worked in the Ruby area

until Charles assumed

ownership of the home

farm. Charles passed

away in 1990. Margaret

is survived by her Broth-

er, Richard (Bernice) Dahl

of Minot, ND and her

Daughters Connie Hager

of Fargo, ND, Cindy At-

kinson (Wally) of

Surprise, AZ, Michelle

Bertsch (Corey) of

Phoenix, AZ and her Son

Jeffrey of Thomasville, NC

and several Grandchil-


Margaret was preceded

in death by her parents,

her Husband, Charles,

and her Daughter, Debra


Funeral and burial will

be in the spring in Rugby,


Josephine Rosenau

Sept. 25, 1920 – Dec. 30, 2019

Josephine Rosenau, age

99, of Nevada died on

Monday, December 30,

2019 at Nevada Nursing

and Rehab in Nevada.

She was born in Horners-

ville, MO to George W.

Keating, Sr. and Jennie

Fitzgerald Keating on Sep-

tember 25, 1920. She met

and married Clarence O.

Rosenau of Willow City,

ND on April 17, 1946 and

he preceded her in death

on July 18, 1995.

Josephine grew up in S.

E. Missouri, graduated

from Hornersville High

School in 1938 and was

employed in defense

plants in St. Louis during

WWII. Following her

marriage to Clarence, on

his return from service

the couple moved to ND

spending 23 years in

Minot when he was em-

ployed at the VA Hospital

and Minot Air Force Base.

They then moved to Wil-

low City where they

operated a small grocery

store for 13 years. They

retired in 1984 and spent

their remaining years

traveling and visiting with

family and friends.

In 1997 she moved to

the west coast spending

time with children in Ore-

gon and California, mov-

ing back to Neosho, MO

in 2004, and then to Neva-

da in 2009. She enjoyed

walking with her Lord,

reading, corresponding

with family and friends.

She was a member of

Trinity Lutheran Church

in Nevada, MO.

Survivors include two

children: a son, Nicholas

Rosenau (Lois), and a

daughter, Melanie Champ

(Tom), both of Dallas,

Oregon; one son-in-law,

Orvel Griffith of Nevada;

three grandchildren; one

great-grandson; and

dearest friends and care-

givers, Kathy Sivils of

Nevada, and the late Larry

Sivils. She was preceded

in death by her husband,

Clarence; parents; one

daughter, Candance Grif-

fith; two brothers, Jack

Keating, and George W.

Keating, Jr.; and one sis-

ter, Floda Mae Hatton.

Memorial services will

be held at 10:30 a.m. on

Monday, January 6, 2019

at Trinity Lutheran

Church, 1630 N. Ash St.

in Nevada with Pastor

Johannes Brann officiat-

ing. Committal of ashes

will take place next to her

husband at Sunset

Memorial Gardens, Minot,

ND, at a later date.

You may view obituary

and send condolences on-

line at



Deborah Kay “Debi” Ziegler

Mar. 10, 1951 – Dec. 20, 2019

Deborah Kay “Debi”

Ziegler, 68, died in her

home in Rugby, North

Dakota on December 20,

2019. She was born in

Rugby on March 10, 1951

to Fred and Arliene (Nel-

son) Cilz. Debi grew up

on a farm north west of

Rugby. She graduated

from Willow City High

School in 1969, where she

was involved in the music

program. She married

Dan Ziegler and they

lived in Washington

where she worked as an

administrative assistant at

the Kent School District.

She moved back to North

Dakota in 2004 to care for

her parents. Debi enjoyed

music of all kinds, going

fishing, cooking, sewing

and will be remembered

by the Rugby community

as a friendly and well

dressed part of Rugby.

She had been a member of

St. Paul Lutheran Church

in Willow City until it


She is survived by her

daughter, DaNae Ziegler,

Tacoma, Washington and

her son, Derrick and his

wife Amber Ziegler, Au-

burn, Washington. She

also leaves two grandchil-

dren, Braylen Wallace,

aged 14, and Micah

Ziegler, aged 6. She also

leaves several nieces and


She was preceded in

death by her brother,

Douglas in 2003, her fa-

ther in 2005, and her

mother in 2014 and her

former husband in 2007.

Graveside services will

be held at the Willow City

Memorial Park Cemetery

to be buried with her

parents in the spring of


Niewoehner Funeral

Home – Rugby


Philipina “Penny” Bertsch

Jan. 26, 1930 – Dec. 22, 2019

Penny Bertsch, 89,

Minot, passed away Sun-

day, December 22, 2019,

at Unsong’s Assisted Liv-

ing Facility in Minot sur-

rounded by her loving


Philipina Gertrude

Hager was born January

26, 1930, the daughter of

Joseph and Johanna

(Scheet) Hager, in Es-

mond, ND. She was raised

and educated in Balta,


Penny was united in

marriage to Sebastian “Sy”

Bertsch June 6, 1949, in

Balta, ND. They made

their home in Minot prior

to moving back to Balta

for a short time. Penny

worked as waitress in

Rugby and Minot. After

settling in Minot, her days

were filled with raising

their six children. Sy

passed away August 9,


She was a former

member of St. Leo’s

Catholic Church in Minot

and was a member of Our

Lady of Grace Catholic

Church, Minot. Penny

was extremely devoted to

her faith and saying the

Rosary daily was very im-

portant to her.

She enjoyed sewing,

quilting, baking and danc-

ing. After relocating to the

farm south of Minot, she

took up gardening and

raising chickens. Money

raised from selling her

eggs was used to purchase

Christmas gifts for all her

grandchildren and in later

years her


Surviving family in-

cludes: children, Ronald

(Marilyn) Bertsch, Lake

Havasu, AZ, Debra New,

Brooklyn Center, MN,

Lynn Bertsch, Minot, Kel-

ly (Colleen) Bertsch,

Minot, Karri (John)

Kurtzweil, Raleigh, NC,

and Troy (Kristi) Bertsch,

Minot; 19 grandchildren,

Ret. Lt. Cmdr. Greg (Jen-

nifer) Bertsch, Greta

(Lance) Powell, Col. An-

thony (Jessica) New,

Amanda (Jonathan)

Bergstrom, Aimee (Sean)

Combs, Annie New,

Adam New, Alexandra

Zickermann, Eric (Nicole)

Bertsch, Heidi (Nathan)

Nordstrom, Haylie (Scott)

Shorb, Kristin (Bill)

Kokot, Kayla (Chad) Hau-

geberg, Kelsey (Scott)

Martin, Katherine (Adam)

Cooper, Hannah

Kurtzweil, Thomas

(Lauren) Kurtzweil, An-

drew (Allison) Bertsch,

Alan Bertsch; 26

great-grandchildren, Joey,

Karrie, Anna, Drake, Sa-

mantha, Maxwell, Miles,

Isaiah, Alaysia, Madison,

Jackson, Emerson, Jenna,

Kaine, Kendall, Caitlyn,

Natalie, Emily, Cooper,

Malik, Miss Ellie, Oliver,

Eloise, Allie, Tatum, Bro-

dy; step-great grandchil-

dren, Trey and Jon;

step-great-great grandson,

Aaron; brother, John

Hager, Harvey; sisters,

Helen Miller, Buffalo,

MN, and Tina Brengman,

Parrish, FL;

brothers-in-law, Robert

Weigel, Minot, Wally

Bergland, Arizona; and

numerous nieces,

nephews and cousins.

Penny was preceded in

death by her parents; hus-

band of 64 years, Sebas-

tian; daughter-in-law,

Lynn Marie Bertsch;

grandson, Timothy

Bertsch; brother, William

Hager, siblings and their

spouses, Katherine Rip-

plinger, Mary and Roy

Carlson, Delores and Jack

Dutenhafer, Julie Ber-

glund, and Rose Weigel;

sister-in-law, Eleanor

Hager; brothers-in-law,

Joe Miller and Harris


Mass of Christian Buri-

al: Saturday, December

28, 2019, at 10:30 a.m. at

Our Lady of Grace Cathol-

ic Church, Minot.

Interment: Rosehill

Memorial Park, Minot,


Visitation: Friday

from 5 to 7 p.m. at

Thompson-Larson Fun-

eral Home, Minot.

Vigil Prayer Service:

Friday at 7 p.m. at

Thompson-Larson Fun-

eral Home, Minot.

Memorials: are pre-

ferred to donor’s choice.

Those wishing to sign

the online register and

share memories may ac-

cess the online obituaries

section at

