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Margaret Voeller

May 7, 2010

Funeral services were held Saturday, May 1, 2010, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Knox, for Margaret E. Voeller, 79, of Rugby, who died Tuesday, April 27 at the Heart of America Medical Center Long Term Care.

Burial was in the church cemetery.

Margaret was born June 30, 1930, in Rugby, a daughter of Walter and Margaret (Tuchscherer) Keller. She was raised in the rural Knox home of her parents, and received her education in a country school near her home. She married Anton P. Voeller on Oct. 26, 1950, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Following their marriage, the couple made their home on the Voeller family farm north of Knox, where they farmed and raised their family. In 1997, the couple moved to Rugby following their retirement. Anton died May 31, 2002. She continued to live in her home until 2008, when she moved to long term care.

She is survived by six daughters, Antonette Murphy of St. Paul, Minn., Constance Larson of Climax, Minn., Patricia Owens of Breckenridge, Minn., Bonita Hanson of New Richmond, Wis., Lisa Shjerve of Cando, and Tanya Wilson of Baldwin, Wis.; 16 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; three sisters, Katie Busch and Christine Zacher, both of Rugby, and Bernice Phares of California; five brothers, Tony of Wolford, Peter and Roy, both of Wisconsin, Mike of Oregon, and Johnny of Florida; and other relatives and friends.

She was preceded in death by her husband; her twin brother, Walter; and her parents.

Fr. Tom Graner officiated. Music was provided by Dan Nybo, organist, and Susan Hoffert, vocal leader.

Casketbearers were Travis Owens, Nick Owens, Scott Simenson, Brad Simenson, Jacob Owens, and Josh Shjerve.

Arrangements by Anderson Funeral Home, Rugby.