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Raymond Halvorson

Sep 11, 2009

Funeral services were held Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2009, at Bethany Lutheran Church, Rugby, for Raymond S. Halvorson, 81, who died Saturday, Sept. 5, at the Heart of America Medical Center in Rugby.

Burial was in Persilla Watts Cemetery.

Raymond was born December 15, 1927 at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Rugby, a son of Fredrick and Anne Marie (Egeland) Halvorson. He was raised in the farm home of his parents in Torgerson Township, Pierce County. He attended country school near his home and graduated from Rugby High School in 1945 as the class salutatorian. On Oct. 3, 1946, he enlisted in the U.S. Army and served in Japan during the occupational period following World War II. He was honorably discharged on Feb. 9, 1948, and was awarded the WWII Victory Medal and the Army of Occupation Medal – Japan. He returned to North Dakota and began his studies at North Dakota State University, Fargo. On Sept. 7, 1952, he married Marion Anderson at Bethany Lutheran Church. The couple made their home on the NDSU campus until his graduation in 1953, earning his BS degree in Animal Husbandry. The couple returned to the Halvorson farmstead, farming and ranching until his retirement a few years ago. The couple continued to live on the home place.

He was grand champion showman at the Little International Livestock Competition while in college, served as a 4-H leader for many years, was the recipient of the FHA’s Farm Family of the Year award in 1970, the Pierce County Soil Conservation award in 1983, named Man of the Year by the ND Polled Hereford Association in 1986, named the Outstanding Agriculturist for 2001 by NDSU, and served on the Farmers Union Oil Co. board of directors for nine years, three years as president. He was a member of Bethany Lutheran Church and served in many council positions including chairman of the congregation.

He is survived by his wife, Marion; one daughter, Margo Lind of Lake Nebagamon, Wisc.; one son, Rodney of Rugby; three grandchildren; and other relatives and friends.

He was preceded in death by three brothers, Melford, Morris and Albert; two sisters, Alma Aamodt and Oline Marvin; and his parents.

Pastor Phil Leer officiated. Music was provided by Joline Dunn, soloist; Bev Halvorson, pianist; and Pam Anderson, organist.

Casketbearers were Brian Lind, Ron Hoffart, Duane Halvorson, Jay Allickson, Curt Halvorson and Ardell Halvorson. Honorary casketbearers were all friends and cattleman associates.

Full military honors were accorded by The Clarence Larson American Legion Post #23, Honor and Color Guard of Rugby and the Military Honors of Minot.

Arrangements by Anderson Funeral Home, Rugby.