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Tree of Giving ceremony rings in Christmas season

The holiday season is a great time for giving and sharing, said Laurie Odden, co-chair of the Heart of America Auxiliary, at the 31st annual Heart of America Auxiliary Tree of Giving ceremony. The ceremony was held on Thursday, Nov. 30, at the Heart of America Medical Center (HAMC) in ...

Five Rugby-area families receive ‘Welcome Home’ kits

Five families from Rugby are receiving Welcome Home kits filled with household essentials through the partnership of Bremer Bank Home For Good initiative and Greater Twin Cities United Way. Each kit is filled with household essentials including dining and kitchen utensils, dishwashing and ...

Students honored with shout out for their ROAR

Students at Ely Elementary are being encouraged to follow the ROAR guidelines, which stands for Responsible, On-Task, Accountable and Respectful behaviors. If students are “caught” following the ROAR, teachers and staff at Ely can give a PAWS-itive Shout-Out. Ely Panther Ambassadors ...

Two Rugby veterans served their country

Veterans Day is Saturday, a day to honor U.S. military veterans. Two veterans from Rugby talked about their service in the U.S. military. Bob Brossart, 67, went into service with the U.S. Marine Corps in 1975. “I had a signature from my mother because I was underage,” said Brossart. ...

First storm of season delays harvest

Winter storm “Archer” dumped nine inches of snow in Rugby last week, causing a headache for area farmers and ranchers, and weather delays throughout the region. The largest concentrations of snowfall were reported in Stanley with 15.5 inches, Surrey with 13 inches and 14 inches in Harvey. ...

Rugby man gets volunteer award

Steve Dockter has been named Rugby Chamber of Commerce’s volunteer award recipient. Dockter volunteers his time throughout Rugby at places such as the Calvary Evangelical Church, Pierce County Fair, Prairie Village Museum and waters the beautiful flowers downtown. “It takes me about an ...

New Heart of America Hospital set to open end of next year

The new Heart of America Hospital building in Rugby is under construction and set to open to the public in October 2024. Laura McClintock, marketing director at the Heart of America Medical Center, said the new building will be only one floor, making it more efficient. “We will be ...

Minot, Rugby and Matt Gaetz

Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz has inserted himself into national headlines and written his name into the annals of history after he succeeded in his efforts to oust House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. The first time that such an effort has succeeded, Gaetz’s actions have thrown ...

Rugby optician receives customer service award

The Rugby Chamber of Commerce has awarded the September Customer Service Award to Liz Kunkel from Dakota Eye Institute. Kunkel has worked as an optician with the Dakota Eye Institute for over a year. She is described as efficient, hardworking and always willing to help her co-workers with a ...