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Local News

Hamburger picnic draws hungry crowd

The smell of burgers and the sound of music filled the air at Ellery Park in Rugby Wednesday, June 28, presented by the Rugby Lions Club. The twice-a-year hamburger picnic drew a crowd of hungry area residents who enjoyed burgers, different salads and ice cream before sitting down to enjoy ...

Pumpkin patch planted

With help from Rugby Lions Club member Craig Wollenburg, Prairie Pumpkin Patch Chair Steve Dockter put a crop of pumpkin seedlings in a one-acre plot of land at the Prairie Village Museum on Thursday, June 8. Wollenburg lent his tractor and planting machinery to the project. Dockter ...

‘Building Life and Home on the Prairie’ opens at museum

The Heart of America Germans from Russia and Prairie Village Museum welcomed Michael Miller, emeritus director of the North Dakota State University Library to mark the opening of its newest exhibit June 10. Titled “Building Life and Home on the Prairie,” the exhibit will remain in the ...

Music in the Park season begins with Rugby-based 49th Parallel

Muggy evening weather couldn’t stop people from dancing at Ellery Park Wednesday, June 7, as 49th Parallel opened the 27th season of the Rugby Lions’ Music in the Park. “If you’re in the sunshine and you need to move into the shade, please do so,” vocalist and keyboard player ...

City council hears budget requests

A budget for 2024 began to take shape for the City of Rugby at the Rugby City Council’s bimonthly regular meeting held at Rugby City Hall Monday, June 5. Council members considered requests made by directors from various city agencies to be included in the 2024 budget, which would be drawn ...

Legion post honors, celebrates lives of military heroes for Memorial Day

Members of the Rugby Clarence Larson American Legion Post #23 honored those who gave the ultimate sacrifice at a Memorial Day ceremony May 29. The ceremony opened with the presentation of the colors and Pledge of Allegiance. Post Commander Kirk Seaver welcomed the audience and ...

Hospital Auxiliary’s taco-in-a-bag fundraiser helps surgical department

Members of the Good Samaritan Hospital Association Auxiliary brightened a hazy spring day May 18 with a taco-in-a-bag fundraiser to help the Heart of America Medical Center’s surgery department. A favorite on-the-go treat for many North Dakotans, a taco-in-a-bag consists of slightly ...

Area healthcare providers mark National Nurses Week

During National Nurses Week May 6 through 12, Heart of America Medical Center and Lake Region District Health Unit’s Pierce County office gave kudos to staffers who help keep their community healthy. Jessie Lafferty, director of nursing at Heart of America Medical Center in Rugby said, ...

Montana probation officer credits Wolford upbringing for her success

Former Wolford resident Kindra Lima-Hagness received recognition earlier this year for her work with at-risk youth in western Montana, and she credits her small-town upbringing for her success. Lima-Hagness received the 2022 Employee Recognition Award by the Montana Judicial System. She ...

With Achievement Days around the corner, 4-Hers see ‘bling’

Sandra Scherr of the North Dakota State University Extension office in the Pierce County Courthouse often jokes that her desk area has been filling up with “bling.” Scherr is administrative assistant to Pierce County Extension Agent Brenden Klebe. She oversees 4-H activities for the ...