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‘My Town’ docuseries to spotlight Rugby

By Charles Crane - Staff Writer | Dec 16, 2023

Submitted Graphic Rugby was one of six rural communities in the Upper Midwest selected to participate in a new online docuseries program set to premiere later next year.

Rugby has been selected to be featured in an online documentary series highlighting rural communities in several states in the Midwest.

Rugby was invited to participate when Rugby EDC Vice President Kevin Leier was approached by producer Cory Helpola, who previously released a series “Rural by Choice” which focused on communities in Otter Tail County, Minnesota. “Rural by Choice” recently received a regional Emmy award for outstanding lifestyle series and has garnered more than 700,000 views on various online platforms. Rugby is the only community in the state to be included in the “My Town” series.

“This is such an important story to tell. Right now, there’s an accepted narrative that rural America is dying and that’s simply not true. With ‘My Town’ we’ll show the world the opportunity, innovation and talented people who make our thriving rural communities beautiful.” Hepola said.

Leaders of the Rugby Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB), Rugby Job Development Authority (JDA) and the Rugby EDC are partnering to ensure funding will be available to make the episode happen in the hope that a broader marketing campaign will help retain and attract employees, residents and visitors to businesses in the community.

“The video episode will focus on major aspects of life in North Dakota, Pierce County and Rugby such as our healthcare system, excellence in education, community engagement and activation, business opportunities and so forth.” Leier said.

Several area businesses and organizations have pledged support for the “My Town” program. The team also applied for grant funding through the North Dakota Department of Commerce Regional Workforce Impact Program to expand publicity to include more examples of community members reaching career, job, business and life goals through varied approaches.

“A visit to a community can be like a first date for someone exploring places to live, work and play,” said Laurie Odden of the Rugby Chamber and CVB, “The ‘My Town’ series is a way to make a charming first impression.”

Filming for the project is expected to take place the week of May 20, 2024, which will involve Hepola speaking at a community event and other activities that will be announced at a later date. The final product is planned to premiere in October next year.