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FCCLA members take state awards

By Sue Sitter - | Apr 18, 2022

Submitted Photo Rugby High FCCLA members attending the state leadership conference in Bismarck were, back row from left, Ryli Kuhnhenn, Alec Wolf, Jaclyn Duchscher, and Hailey Solem. From left in the front row are Haley Mayer, Jesse Wolf, and Rylah Hager.

Sirens from fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances blared late in the evening of April 11 to welcome another team of state winners from Rugby High School.

The Rugby High Family, Careers and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) chapter returned from the North Dakota State Leadership Conference, held in Bismarck from April 10-12.

The event ended on April 11 due to weather conditions.

In the event management competition, Ryli Kuhnhenn earned the gold medal and qualified for nationals. Haley Mayer earned the silver medal and qualified for nationals in fashion construction.

Alec Wolf took the silver medal in the job interview category, while Jesse Wolf earned the bronze medal in the FCCLA Creed contest.

“This is Rugby’s first year having an FCCLA chapter. We just got approved in October by the school board,” said Brittany Lovcik, FCCLA advisor, in a message to the Tribune.

“We have 18 members in our chapter,” Lovcik wrote. “This is one heck of a first year!

“I have never had first year students win state and head to nationals – I think that speaks volumes about our students and their abilities!”