Village Arts hosts ‘Music of the Twenties’ spring concert

Sue Sitter/MDN Chris Halvorson, right, sings “Yes Sir, That’s My Baby” along with players in the Heartland Ukuleles at Tillman Hovland Auditorium, April 3.
Music that made past generations of Rugby residents kick up their heels entertained a crowd in Tilman Hovland Auditorium when Rugby’s Village Arts presented “Music of the Twenties” on April 3.
The evening began with a lively sing-along accompanied by the Heartland Ukuleles, who played numbers such as “Five Foot Two” and other favorites from the 1920s.
Some of the musicians dressed as flappers in sequined headbands and beaded dresses. Others dressed in outfits from the 2020s wore headbands to pay tribute to the music of a century ago.
Members of the Heartland Civic String Orchestra played tunes by George Gershwin and other composers. Chris Halvorson, Rugby, directed both the ukulele and string section. Special guest Anthony Schreier of Minot State University co-directed the string section and brought fellow music students from Minot to play as well.
Schreier took the conductor’s podium to direct the symphony orchestra
“It has been an absolute blast to be in front of these musicians and the growth they’ve shown in these past few weeks has been phenomenal,” Shreier said of the Village Arts musicians.
Schreier pointed out that although most performances featured songs from the 1920s, “You might notice the pieces we chose for this concert aren’t 1920s-themed.
“When my fiancee and I looked for music for this concert, we kind of took some liberties as to what the Roaring 20s meant. So, the Concertino in G by Sammartini was actually composed in the 1720s. We figured that wouldn’t be much of a stretch. The Magic Flute was an opera that was written by Mozart and there were 22 actors onstage for the original production of that so that’s where the 20s come from that,” Schreier said, explaining how he kept the 20s-theme across his program.
“French Baroque Suite by Jean Baptiste Lully was composed when he was in his 20s,” Schreier added.
“Back in the Baroque Era, they had these big staffs they used to beat the ground and that’s how the maestros would keep tempo. Well, they were also very sharp and he accidentally stabbed himself in the foot with his baton,” Schreier said, sharing some trivia from Lully’s life. “Thankfully, we have shorter batons now and we don’t have to worry about dying from an infection in our foot.
“The last one, ‘Rhapsody in Blue,’ is a classic and this arrangement is absolutely perfect,” Schreier added.
The Village Arts Choir, directed by Andee Mattson, performed next. After renditions of “Ain’t Misbehavin’,” “Turkey in the Straw,” and other ’20s favorites, Mattson introduced a special number composed for former Rugby music teacher Tilman Hovland, for whom the Tilman Hovland Auditorium is named.
One of Hovland’s former students, Dave Halvorson, composed the piece. Halvorson told the audience how Hovland inspired his own love for music and motivated him to pursue bachelors and master’s degrees in music. Halvorson has also published songs. He now teaches music in Tioga schools.
“In the ’70s, Mr. Hovland was my teacher,” Halvorson said. “In the audience, we probably have some students of his, or onstage, we might have some of his former students. I remember how great our bands were. We’d play everything under his direction. It was amazing and he taught us so much.”
Halvorson credited Hovland with Rugby students being able to perform around the state and winning many competitions. “Every year, our junior high band would play at the North Dakota Music Teachers’ Music Festival. They chose the Rugby band to play there every year. It was because of Mr. Hovland,” Halvorson said.
“I think it’s every teacher’s dream to see their students continue with music and continue to love music,” Halvorson said as he introduced his piece. “That’s what the song is about.
“With a heartfelt thank you, this is for you, Mr. Hovland,” Halvorson added, his voice quavering with emotion.
After the performance, Mattson invited the audience to stay for a reception featuring a sheet cake with a sheet music motif made by Julia Petrovich, who also played in the orchestra’s string section and teaches visual arts classes for Village Arts. Mattson encouraged community members and former students to write messages for Hovland on note cards provided in the reception area.
Mattson also invited Hovland to say a few words to the audience.
“It’s pretty inadequate just to say thank you, but that usually says it all.” Hovland said, adding he had enjoyed teaching his students for decades in Rugby schools.
“And it’s great to see that things are still going on,” Halvorson added. “I thank all of you for having the privilege of working with you.”