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Prairie Village Museum to open June 1

By Staff | May 21, 2020

Prairie Village Museum of Rugby, will open Monday, June 1.

Museum hours will be 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday each week of June.

To keep visitors, staff and volunteers safe, the museum asks everyone to observe the following guidelines:

– Family units should stay together.

– Maintain six feet of social distance from other visitors.

– Refrain from touching objects and displays.

– Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the museum. All buildings and facilities have been thoroughly cleaned and will be cleaned regularly throughout the season.

– Wearing face coverings or masks is optional per visitor preference.

New this summer: displays are under development in the newly constructed Germans from Russia building. Also, museum membership fees have been reduced this year: $40 for a family membership and $25 for a single membership. Please consider purchasing or renewing your membership to help Prairie Village Museum maintain its status as a summer destination for our community and the surrounding region.

Friends of the Museum met on Sunday, May 17, to clean the buildings and grounds in preparation of this opening date.

To stay current with any changes, please visit the museum’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Prairievillagemuseum.

– Prairie Village Museum