June election vote by mail only
Around April 20th Pierce County residents will be receiving an application in the mail from the N.D. Secretary of State’s office to Vote by Mail (VBM) for the June 9th Primary Election. All Pierce County residents will receive an application to complete and return by mail to the Pierce County Auditor-Treasurer’s office.
When completing the application, checkmark the (all elections box) if you wish to vote in the General Election also. This will allow the Auditor-Treasurer’s office to send you a ballot automatically for the General Election in the fall and less postage expense for both the voter and the County. If you wish to vote in the School Election you will need to mark that on your application. The voter will be mailed a ballot for their precinct part, along with the return envelopes and instructions for completing their ballot and returning it.
This Primary Election there will NOT be an open polling place on Election Day due to the COVID-19 virus. However, there will be a secure ballot drop off location at the Pierce County Courthouse a drop off box located at the west doors of the courthouse available until 4:00 p.m. June 9th on Election Day to help save you postage if you wish to use.
Following the mailing of applications to all voters, if you did not receive an application in the mail, please contact the Pierce County Auditor-Treasurer’s office and an application will be mailed.
The Express Vote equipment will be available at the Courthouse upon appointment at
701-776-5225 if anyone needs more assistance to complete their ballot.
If you have any questions or concerns about this process, please do not hesitate to call the Pierce County Auditor-Treasurer’s Office at 701-776-5225.
– Karin Fursather, Pierce County Auditor-Treasurer