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Commission approves FFCRA exemptions

By Staff | Apr 10, 2020

During a meeting Tuesday morning, Pierce County Commissioners approved Families First Coronavirus Response Act exemptions for persons considered essential staff.

Made effective April 1, the FFCRA includes provisions for emergency paid leave between April 1 and Dec. 31, 2020. Employees can be eligible for additional paid leave if one or more qualifying reasons are met. Qualifying reasons include:

1 – An employee is subject to a quarantine or isolation order.

2 – A health care provider has suggested an employee quarantine him or herself due to coronavirus concerns.

3 – An employee is experiencing coronavirus symptoms and is seeking a medical diagnosis.

4 – An employee is caring for a person subject to quarantine order/advised to self-quarantine.

5 – An employee is caring for a child whose school/daycare has been closed or care provider is not available.

6 – An employee is experiencing “substantially similar conditions” specified by the Secretary of Health & Human Services.

As a result of the vote, county personnel in law enforcement, corrections, public health, public works, emergency management and dispatch would be allowed to take leave under reasons two, three and four, but not one, five and six in order to ensure continuity of government and essential services.

Other actions

Also during the meeting, commissioners:

– Accepted bids for clay and gravel; machine hire and culverts.

– Approved games of chance site authorizations for Larry’s Bar (Selz) and the Rugby Amateur Hockey Association at the Rugby Golf Course.

– Approved abatement applications for Harold Mueller, Larry Bickler and Brad Mitzel.

– Approved March meeting minutes, bills, financial statements, treasurer’s checks, and Heart of America Correctional & Treatment Center bills and financials.