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District Court

By Staff | Apr 3, 2020

– Kevin Lauvious Kalemera, of Alexander, pleaded guilty to B misdemeanor charges of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor with a blood alcohol content of .08% or greater (second offense in seven years) and alcohol-related driving under suspension. He was ordered to complete a chemical dependency evaluation and any recommended treatment; participate in the 24/7 Sobriety Program; and pay $1,750 in fees. He was sentenced to 30 days’ confinement at the Heart of America Correctional & Treatment Center, and to 360 days unsupervised probation.

– James M. Swiggum, of Rugby, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence of intoxicating liquors. He was ordered to complete a chemical dependency evaluation and any recommended treatment; complete 20 hours of community service; not purchase, possess or consume; and pay $1,000 in fees. He was placed on 360 days unsupervised probation.