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Superintendent, county board discuss counselor position

By Staff | Jan 17, 2020

A licensend clinical mental health counselor who will split time between Pierce County Social Services, the Heart of America Correctional & Treatment Center and Rugby Public Schools remains as an open position.

The position has been vacant after the resignation of Dori Lennert-which the Rugby Public School District No. 5 Board of Education approved in May.

During a regular meeting of the Pierce County Board of County Commissioners last Tuesday at the Pierce County Courthouse, Rugby Schools Superintendent Mike McNeff met with the board to discuss the position. McNeff said the school has contracted mental health services for one day a week with The Village Family Services out of Minot. McNeff also said the school has signed a contract for another six months to go through the school year.

Board chair David Migler said the board would continue to “do our share” in support of the position, if filled.

Other actions

During last Tuesday’s meeting the board:

– Accepted bids for money market accounts and certificate of deposits from First International, Ramsey, Merchants and Bremer banks. The board also approved pledge of assets from the aforementioned banks and declared them depositories.

– Approved transferring remaining funds in Social Welfare and County Poor Relief to Northern Prairie Social Services.

– Approved 2019 budget amendments.

– Approved a motion to authorize the chair to sign progress reports on Souris Basin Planning Council’s Courtyard Apartments Rehabilitation Project.

– Approved a conditional use permit request from Fisher Sand & Gravel for an aggregate mining operation south of Balta.

– Appointed Dave Anderson to serve as extraterritorial representative on the City of Rugby’s Planning & Zoning Board, and re-appointed Charlotte Burkhartsmeier to the county’s Reorganization Board.

– Approved abatement applications for Douglas Pierson, Lisa Marshall and Myron Schmaltz.

– Approved December 2019 meeting minutes, bills, financial statements, treasurers checks and HACTC bills and financials.?

In a meeting Monday morning the board:

– Discussed and approved a lease agreement for 2020 for a John Deere 6155M tractor at a cost of $4,255.50 per year.

– Approved a motion to purchase a used mower for $9,000 after reviewing a proposal from John Deere.

– Tribune Staff Report