Withdrawal from special ed unit tabled
During a regular meeting Tuesday morning at Rugby High School, the Rugby Public School District No. 5 Board of Education voted to table movement based on a recommendation to withdraw from the Lonetree Special Education Unit.
Superintendent Mike McNeff said the move was to do with sustainability while in the unit, as assessments were continuing to “creep up.” McNeff had communicated with the Peace Garden unit, however McNeff said that unit operates differently compared to Lonetree.
However, McNeff said he felt the district would get more services out of the move to the Peace Garden unit and made a recommendation to leave Lonetree and join the Peace Garden unit.
Board member Dustin Hager asked whether it would make “more sense” to do a needs assessment before the board made a decision to withdraw.
“I would like to see the decision tabled until the assessment is conducted,” said Hager.
In other action, the board:
– Approved the district’s final budget for Fiscal Year 2020.
– Discussed progress on the Wolford School District’s dissolution; superintendent evaluations; the district’s Strategic Planning process; and the upcoming N.D. School Boards Association conference.
– Met with Deb Goven, who discussed the responsibilities of her new position as the district’s new Homeless Liason.
– Approved the consent agenda, which included September meeting minutes; bills and financial statements.