CVB defunding stirs city council meeting
In a regular meeting Monday evening, the Rugby City Council approved the first reading of two ordinances, and started the process for another ordinance.
The council approved the first reading of Ordinances 418 and 419, which make changes to the city’s beer and liquor ordinances. Changes in the ordinances include updates to language in the application processes; locations; hours of sale; 2 a.m. closing for special events; when server training is required; sanitary requirements and penalties for violating the ordinances. The ordinances are both slated for second readings.
The council voted to send a matter of collecting lodging and hotel/motel occupancy taxes and funding the city’s Convention & Visitors Bureau to the city’s Ordinance Committee. The motion came after a letter was sent to the CVB stating the city was discontinuing funding the CVB due to legislative changes affecting city lodging tax collection, and the city not having an ordinance to fund the CVB. The letter drew criticism from CVB, council and community members.
In other action, the council:
– Approved an abatement application for Chandler Lemar.
– Approved a $10,105 estimate on sewer main repairs west of Calvary Evangelical Free Church.
– Approved a task order and agreement with Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services (or AE2S) to update city water/sewer line, zoning and boundary maps.
– Approved a joint powers agreement and contract with the Heart of America Correctional & Treatment Center (through Pierce County commissioners) to board city prisoners. The contract will run from Jan. 1, 2020 to Dec. 31, 2021 at an effective rate of $78 per day.
– Approved September meeting minutes; minutes from the Oct. 2 special meeting; bills; financials; Municipal Judge’s report; and Job Development Authority meeting minutes and financials.
– Tribune Staff Report