Civil asset forfeiture fund, procedures established
Procedures and a fund for civil asset forfeitures are in place in Pierce County.
During a regular meeting Tuesday morning at the Pierce County Courthouse, Pierce County commissioners approved asset forfeiture procedures and establishing a fund for them. Monies taken during civil asset forfeitures are to only be spent for law enforcement purposes.
As part of the procedures, an asset forfeiture board consisting of the Pierce County sheriff, state’s attorney and auditor-treasurer was put in place.
Right of way obstruction discussed
County resident Gary Haman met with the board to discuss an issue with right of way obstructions in Spring Lake Township.
Haman recounted to the board difficulties in moving a swather, and problems “everybody” has with right of way obstruction. He said more enforcement was needed by the board.
“The law’s specific, just enforce it,” said Haman.
Board chair David Migler said the board would discuss it with State’s Attorney Galen Mack. The board discussed the issue with Mack later in the meeting.
Other actions
– The board granted a conditional use permit to B & J Excavating for aggregate mining.
– The board met with Rugby Public School District Superintendent Mike McNeff to discuss the licensed clinical mental health counselor position which is currently not filled. McNeff said the school has “reached out” to The Village for services, which will be carried out one day a week. The board agreed to continue to support the position.
– The board discussed the host county for the Northern Prairie Human Service Zone. Social Services Director Kelly Jensen informed the county that McHenry County which is part of the zone along with Pierce and Bottineau counties does not want to be host county and had asked Pierce’s thoughts if they were to be host. Miller said they should “stick with the original plan.”
– The board approved a motion to sign a certification of support for a new ambulance for Good Samaritan Health Services.
– Sheriff Josh Siegler informed the board that his department received 55 calls for the month of August; and a radio went out during the lightning storm over the Labor Day weekend.
– Heart of America Correctional & Treatment Center Administrator Mike Graner informed the board the facility accrued a $10,686.22 profit in July, and there were 98 inmates as of last Friday.
– The board approved calls for bids on fuel and a used motor grader.
– The board approved a county deed to Tim & Sheila Ostrem for Lot 18, Block 4 Sikes 2nd Addition in Rugby. In a related motion, the board approved real estate appraisals with a hearing date set for Oct. 1 at 9:30 a.m.
– The board appointed County Veterans Service Officer Ron Montonye as a member of the Selective Service program.
– The board approved transfers of $100,000 from the Highway Distribution fund to the Road & Bridge fund, and $18,000 from the Wireless fund to the 9-1-1 fund.
– The board approved August meeting minutes, bills, financial statements and one treasurers check.