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School breakfast, lunch rates to increase

By Staff | Jul 19, 2019

Breakfast and lunch prices will increase the next fiscal year at Rugby public schools.

During a meeting Tuesday morning in the board room at Rugby High School, the Rugby Public School District No. 5 Board of Education approved meal price recommendations for Fiscal Year 2020.

For students at Ely Elementary the price of breakfast will be $2.10, an increase of $0.15 from FY2019, and lunch will be $2.80, a $0.25 increase from the year before.

For students at Rugby High School, the breakfast price will also be $2.10 (which is also a $0.15 increase from FY2019), but the price for lunch will increase from $2.65 to $2.90.

Staff and adult guest meal prices will also see an increase for FY2020. Staff meal prices will increase from $3.30 to $3.65, and guest prices will increase from $4.30 to $4.55.

Milk prices will remain unchanged at $0.45.

Board member Dustin Hager recommended approval of the rates, with recommendation to remove the price of seconds for the next fiscal year. In FY2019, the price for seconds was $0.50.

Board members Shane Livedalen and Kris Blessum were absent for the meeting.

(sub.) Other actions

– The board and Athletic Director Scott Grochow met with Jeremy Kuhnhenn, Sara Radomski, Scott and Kordell Kraft to discuss changes to how trapshooting is recognized.

– The board tabled adviser approvals for Lego Robotics and eSports as extracurricular offerings. Board member Brenda Heilman cited concerns for sudden additions for both after the length of time it took to add softball.

– The board approved changing the date and time for the August meeting to Aug. 13 at 7 a.m.

– The board met with Liz Deckert, director of the Peace Garden Special Education Unit, to discuss services the unit provides.

– The board approved keeping activity admission rates the same for the 2019-20 school year. Admission will be $6 for adults and $4 for students.

– The board approved enrollment and transportation reports to be sent to the N.D. Department of Public Instruction.

– The board approved the Rugby Early Learning Center as the district’s preschool program.

– The board approved Consolidated Application for federal Title I, IIA and IV programs.

– The board approved appointing McNeff as the representative for the North Central Education Cooperative board and for school programs; Kari Hill as the English Learner Coordinator; and Deb Goven as the Homeless Liaison.

– The board approved fuel vendor registrations; pledge of securities; the Pierce County Tribune as the official newspaper; and Merchants and Bremer banks as official depositories.

– The board approved the second reading of English Learner, Homeless Student, licensed teacher stipend and professional learning for coach and adviser policies.

– The board approved the consent agenda, which included June meeting minutes, bills, financials and tuition agreements with TGU-Towner and Leeds school districts.

– The board elected Carlie Johnson as president and Livedalen and vice president.