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Grain smell poses concern

By Staff | Apr 5, 2019

Smell and spores from molding grain were a concern to three Tunbridge residents who came to a meeting of the Pierce County Board of County Commissioners Tuesday morning at the Pierce County Courthouse.

Jim, Dorice and Richard Duchscherer met with the commissioners to ask what was being done about smells from rotting grains, mounds of which had been left by the elevator in Tunbridge until March of this year.

Dorice read a note to commissioners about a loved one’s struggles with pulmonary fibrosis of the lungs, also known as “farmer’s lung”, and said they begged for mold to be cleared.

Commission Chairman David Migler said the state Health Department would come later that afternoon to determine whether any health hazards were present and that they may have a spray that can take care of the smell.

Migler said if the health department feels a health hazard is present, the Red Cross could potentially help temporarily relocate families.

“We’re trying to clean up his (Hunter Hanson’s) mess,” said Migler.

Pierce County State’s Attorney Galen Mack said the county did the right thing in the matter.

“[I] think we did the right thing, but it wasn’t the county’s responsibility,” Mack said.

Opioid litigation

The board met with former State Senator Curtis Olafson and Matt Daniel, an attorney from Dallas, Texas. The two are working with a consortium of law firms pursuing litigation against opioid manufacturers and distributors.

Mack questioned aspects of the proposal, including whether counties, cities and tribes approached with the lawsuit sought counsel from law firms not in the consortium.

The board took no action on the proposal

Other actions

– The board approved advertising for lawn mowing at the Memorial Hall and the courthouse.

– The board accepted culvert, machine hire and clay & gravel bids.

– The board approved a transfer of $12,601.26 from Juniata Township back to 2014 FEMA funds.

– The board approved an abatement for Bruce Strand.

– The board appointed Troy Voeller to the Pierce County Water Resource Board, and Commissioner Ashley Berg to the Pierce-McHenry Housing board.

– Community Service Coordinator Allan Meckle presented his year-end report to the board. An estimated 2,706.5 hours of community service had been completed in county.

– Heart of America Correctional & Treatment Center Mike Graner gave the board the sheriff’s report for March and a report on HACTC.

– The board approved March meeting minutes, bills and financial statements and treasurer’s checks.