School board approves first reading of foster care policies
During a regular meeting Tuesday morning, the Rugby Public School District No. 5 Board of Education approved the first reading of policies pertaining to students who are in foster care.
The district is required to have the policies in place to meet its federal monitoring requirements.
The policies define responsibilities of the district and the district’s Foster Care Point of Contact (who is the district superintendent) to ensure students in foster care are enrolled in and can get to school, and plans to work with state, local and tribal child welfare agencies to accomplish those responsibilities.
During the meeting the board also:
– Approved the first reading of a policy that would prohibit a school district “employee, contractor, or agent” from assisting an “employee, contractor, or agent” in getting a new job if the person engaged in sexual misconduct.
– Discussed eSports as a potential activity; the Dec. 19, 2018 meeting of the Citizens Committee; the 2019-20 school calendar; N.D. Senate Bills to keep an eye on, including SB 2052-which would create a new section to chapter 57-15 of the North Dakota Century Code relating to school district safety plans and amend and reenact section 57-15-14.2 relating to safety plan levies.
– Discussed chapters one through three of the book “What School Could Be” during presentation time.
– Approved a contract for Angela Hager as MTSS Coordinator. The item was previously included in the consent agenda, however board member Dustin Hager-who abstained from voting on it-asked for it to be removed.
– Approved the consent agenda, which included December 2018 meeting minutes, bills, financial reports, pledged securities and a contract for Ashley Seykora as the district’s literacy instructional coach.