City year-end financials net approval
In a regular meeting Monday night, the Rugby City Council approved 2018 year-end financials.
All city funds received over $6 million in revenue and committed nearly $5.3 million in expenses in 2018 (over the nearly $4.5 million that was originally appropriated).
The beginning balance for all city funds was nearly $3.913 million in 2018, and the ending balance would be just over $3.8 million.
In 2018, the city set $105,000 aside in the Capital Equipment – Outlay fund ($5,000 for police vehicles, $100,000 for a street sweeper); $60,000 for the Buildings – Outlay fund ($10,000 for improving accessibility at City Hall, $50,000 for roof repairs at the Swimming Pool); $17,000 in the Water Supply & Treatment Capital Improvement fund for water line repairs; and $50,000 in the Sewer Operations Enterprise Capital Improvement fund for sewer repairs.
In 2019 the city will set $105,000 in Capital Equipment – Outlay ($5,000 for police department vehicles, $50,000 for the street sweeper and $50,000 for a payloader); $140,000 in Buildings – Outlay ($20,000 for City Hall accessibility, $100,000 for Swimming Pool roof repairs and $20,000 for Armory roof repairs); $140,000 for Water Supply & Treatment Capital Improvement (water line repairs); and $50,000 for Sewer Operations Enterprise Capital Improvement (sewer repairs).
The city transferred $311.64 from the 2006-1 Street Improvement Project Special Assessments to the General fund; $2,213.14 from the General fund to the Recreation fund (to offset a shortfall in expenses); $200,000 from Highway & Streets to Capital Equipment Reserve (street sweeper reserve); and $34,000 from Water Supply & Treatment Enterprise to Water Supply & Treatment Enterprise Capital Improvement (future improvements).
The council approved budget amendments and transfers for 2018, and the 2019 Cash Report, Expenditure and Revenue reports.
Ward 1 Councilwoman Jackie Albrecht was absent for the meeting.
Other actions
– 3rd Street Station owner Dan Corum met with the council regarding a notice of incident and three-day shutdown related to a liquor license ordinance violation. The council approved by a 6-1 vote-with Ward 2 Councilman Dave Bednarz being the sole no vote to not have 3rd Street Station shut down, but to have all employees undergo server training at 3rd Street’s expense.
– The council approved by a 4-3 vote with Bednarz and Ward 3 Councilmen Joel Berg and Matt Lunde voting no a motion to advertise for bids on renting a 73-acre parcel of ag land the city owns. The winning bidder would have to repay the previous lessee $2,301 for input costs in preparing the land for the growing season.
– The council approved a gaming site authorization application for the Rugby Amateur Hockey Association for bingo, raffles, twenty-one, paddlewheel and pull tabs at Northside Lounge.
– The council approved a $3,450 purchase of eight cameras, plus parts and labor to install them at the Public Works shop and the Water Treatment Plant. Water Treatment Plant Supervisor Greg Boucher asked if the amount of cameras was considered “overkill,” however Mayor Sue Steinke said both places were “critical infrastructure.”
– The council approved designating Merchants Bank, Bremer Bank, Ramsey Bank, First International Bank and North Star Community Credit Union as city depositories.
– The council approved December meeting minutes, bills, Job Development Authority board meeting minutes and financials and the Municipal Judge’s report.