Court Is Now in Session
– Houston Charles Morin, of Belcourt, pleaded guilty to A misdemeanor charges of failure to appear as a witness/produce information and carrying a concealed firearm/weapon and a B misdemeanor charge of possession of less than an ounce of marijuana.
On the concealed weapon charge he was ordered to complete a chemical dependency evaluation and recommended treatment; surrender his firearm to the N.D. Highway Patrol; and pay $660 in fees. He was sentenced to 360 days’ confinement at the Heart of America Correctional & Treatment Center with 360 days suspended and 10 days’ credit for time served; and two years unsupervised probation.
On the failure to appear charge he was ordered to complete 40 hours of community service and pay $25 in fees.
– Joshua Mark Sattler, of Willow City, pleaded guilty to C felony level issuing a check/draft without sufficient funds or credit. He was ordered to pay $2,083.21 in fees. The court dismissed two of the same charges against Sattler.
– Kim Sterling Terry, of Clemont, Fla., pleaded guilty to A misdemeanor driving under the influence of intoxicating liquors. He was ordered to complete a chemical dependency evaluation and recommended treatment, participate in the 24/7 Sobriety Program, and pay $2,300 in fees. He was sentenced to 360 days’ confinement at HACTC-first serve 120 days-with 51 days’ credit for time served, and 360 days supervised probation. The court dismissed a C felony charge against Terry of refusal to submit to a chemical test.