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Competitive race for Rugby mayor

By Staff | Apr 27, 2018

Races for Rugby mayor and for two seats on the Rugby City Council look to be competitive this election cycle.

Four candidates are seeking the position of mayor of the city of Rugby: Neil Lotvedt, David Schneibel, Gregory Mack and Susan Steinke.

A seat for a city council member representing Ward One is up for grabs, and Jon Nelson is challenging Jackie Albrecht for it. In Ward Three, Rick Larson who is also seeking reelection to his seat on the Pierce County Board of County Commissioners is challenging incumbent Joel Berg, while Matthew Lunde is running unopposed for an unexpired two-year term that would fill the other seat for that ward.

David Bednarz and Chuck Longie are also up for reelection for their seats in Wards Two and Four, respectively.

Tonia Dosch, Rick Srur and Roger Sitter are all running for seats on the Rugby Park District board.

Sharon Harmel is running unopposed for Municipal Judge.

Pierce County

Three commission seats and three other elected positions are up for reelection this year in the county.

And all six positions are currently unopposed.

Mike Brossart is seeking reelection as District 1 County Commissioner. Larson is seeking reelection as District 3 Commissioner. Current Commission Chairman David Migler is seeking reelection as District 5 Commissioner.

Sheriff Josh Siegler, Recorder Lori Miron and State’s Attorney Galen Mack are also up for reelection in their respective positions.

Dave Anderson is up for reelection as a county representative on the Garrison Diversion Conservancy District’s board of directors.

School boards

Two seats on the Rugby Public School District No. 5 Board of Education are up for reelection.

In Wolford, one currently-held seat is up for re-election while another seat will be left to an open contest.

On the Rugby board, the rural precinct no. 2-seat and the precinct no. 4-seat are up for reelection. Shane Livedalen currently holds the seat for precinct no. 2, which includes whole and portions of Alexanter, Dewey, Walsh, Ness, Girard, Jefferson, Elling, Rosedale and Hillside townships. Dustin Hager holds the precinct no. 4 seat, which includes the city of Rugby.

On the Wolford Public School District No. 1 board, Jeff Morrow is seeking reelection to his seat on the board. Alan Olson’s seat is up for election this year, and it will be decided by write-in election.

EMS measure

In the June election, county voters will decide whether or not to grant additional mills for emergency medical services.

Currently Pierce County levies two mills for EMS, but if the measure is approved the county can levy up to four additional mills (not exceeding six).

Chapter 57-15-50 of the N.D. Century code allows county commissions to not exceed 10 mills when levying taxes to subsidize EMS, but voters have to approve of levy increases during county elections.

State races

U.S. SENATOR: Kevin Cramer (Republican), Thomas E. O’Neill (Republican), Heidi Heitkamp (Democrat)

REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS: Tiffany Abentroth (Republican), Kelly Armstrong (Republican), Paul J. Schaffner (Republican), Tom Campbell (Republican), Mac Schneider (Democrat)

N.D. SECRETARY OF STATE: Will Gardner (Republican), Josh Boschee (Democrat-NPL), Roland Riemers (Libertarian)

N.D. ATTORNEY GENERAL: Wayne Stenehjem (Republican), David Clark Thompson (Democrat-NPL)

N.D. AG COMMISSIONER: Doug Goehring (Republican), Jim Dotzenrod (Democrat)

PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER: Randy Christmann (Republican), Jean “Jeannie” Brandt (Democrat-NPL)

PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER (2-yr. term): Brian K. Kroshus (Republican), Casey Buchmann (Democrat-NPL)

N.D. TAX COMMISSIONER: Ryan Rauschenberger (Republican), Kylie Oversen (Democrat-NPL)

JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT: Robert V. Bolinske, Sr.; Lisa Fair McEvers