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News Briefs

By Staff | Mar 16, 2018

Local ranchers help at scene of cattle truck rollover

OBERON – Local ranchers assisted law enforcement officers Tuesday morning after a truck hauling 67 head of cattle overturned on U.S. Highway 281, three miles north of Oberon.

The North Dakota Highway Patrol said the 2003 Peterbuilt tractor-trailer, driven by Chad Tichota, 39, Norfolk, Neb., was coming from Rugby and heading south on the highway when Tichota failed to negotiate a left-hand curve. The truck entered the south ditch and rolled onto its side.

Tichota was not injured. He was wearing a seat belt.

The Patrol said no cattle died in the crash and local ranchers assisted with transporting the cattle to Devils Lake to be inspected for injury. The driver received a traffic citation for care required.

“A special thanks goes out to the local ranchers who assisted with the care, handling and transportation of the cattle at and from the crash scene,” the Patrol said in the news release.

The Benson County Sheriff’s Department and Bureau of Indian Affairs Police assisted the Highway Patrol.

Mobile food pantry to stop in Rugby, Towner

The Great Plains Food Bank’s Mobile Food Pantry will be making stops in Rugby and Towner on March 28.

The pantry will be in the NAPA/Envision parking lot north of U.S. Highway 2, just 1/4 mile west of the Envision Convenience Store in Rugby, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. From 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. it will be on the street across from St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church in Towner.

The pantry consists of pre-packed shelf-stable boxes, produce, bakery items and one meat option.

No pre-registration is required and anyone in need of food assistance is welcome.

For more information contact Regional Services Manager Rachel Monge at 390.2513.

Ink and toner cartridge dropbox

Have empty toner and printer cartridges?

Home and business used cartridges are now being accepted for recycling to benefit area veterans. See the dropbox at Leevers grocery store in Rugby.

If the pilot program is successful, and people really participate, it will become a permanent drop-recycle program with all proceeds for veterans.

So please tell everyone you know and encourage everyone to participate in helping our area veterans, and together we can create an ongoing source of support for those who have served our country and now may be in need.

Do what you can to support the veterans.

Journey meeting March 21

The next meeting of The Journey support group will be Wednesday, March 21, at 6:30 p.m. at the Fox Auditorium at the Heart of America Medical Center.

With March being Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, guest speaker Nikki Medalen-MS, BSN, APHN-BC from Quality Health Associates of North Dakota will discuss the current testing for colorectal cancer.

The group will also celebrate its second anniversary.