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By Staff | Jan 19, 2018

Hunter Safety classes start Feb. 6

Hunter Safety classes for interested area students will take place in the basement of the Memorial Hall in Rugby. The classes, instructed by Cory Geiszler, Greg Odden and Joe Tuchscherer, will held every Tuesday from 6:30 to 9 p.m. for eight weeks, starting Feb. 6.

Enrolles must be 11 years within the calendar year and may not enroll in more than one course at a time. Students must attend all days of class to pass.

Persons interested in enrolling in hunter safety must go to the N.D. Game & Fish department website (gf.nd.gov) and go to the “Buy and Apply” link. Once there scroll down to “Hunter Education” and click the link in the box. From there will be a link that takes parties to a list of cities. If the class is available in the nearest city, click “enroll.”

For more information contact Odden at 208-0504.

Museum holds 2-day workshop

The Prairie Village Museum hosted a two day class Jan 12-13 on collection care for preserving relics. Both class days were packed despite the cold temperatures.

Friday’s class was for larger items which included furs, materials, and uniforms. Saturday’s class had a focus on photos, documents and smaller items.

The classes are part of a series made possible by a grant from the IMLS.

“I m so happy to have been a part of this,” stated one participant who learned how to repair aging photos. “I definitely recommend it.”

Stephanie Steinke, director, said she was very pleased with the community’s response.

– Bonnie Remmick, Tribune Reporter

Hazard mitigation discussed

In a meeting Tuesday afternoon, members of the Rugby City Council met with Daniel Schwartz, a facilitator with Mid-American Planning & Consulting, who was hired to help update Pierce County’s multi-hazard mitigation plan.

Schwartz and the council discussed hazard mitigation capabilities the city has from administrative and technical, education and outreach, financial and planning and regulatory standpoints.

Schwartz identified mitigation projects for the city, including having a fire danger index sign in place; permanent generators at the Armory, lift stations, City Hall, the schools, the water wells, and upgraded generators at the radio station; and having a crew camp ordinance in place.

Schwartz met with the Board of County Commissioners earlier that day.

The board voted to contract with Mid-American Planning & Consulting for updates to the plan.

– Tribune Staff Report