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Teigens win awards at Harvest Bowl

By Staff | Dec 1, 2017

Rita & Jim Teigen

The NDSU Harvest Bowl program recognizes the success, dedication and hard work of outstanding agriculturists.

The success, dedication and hard work of outstanding agriculturists in 53 counties in North Dakota and nine counties in Minnesota were honored during the 44th annual Harvest Bowl program at North Dakota State University, on Nov. 10.

The 2017 Harvest Bowl honorees from Pierce County were Jim and Rita Teigen, Rugby.

Jim and Rita Teigen raise wheat, soybeans, field peas and barley using no-till and minimum-tillage farming practices near Rugby. They also market their crops and have a seed production operation. They have been farming for 43 years and received honorary chapter and state FFA degrees, the North Dakota Forest Service Leadership Award, Rugby Chamber of Commerce Ag Award and Pierce County Friend of 4-H Award. Jim, a 1969 NDSU graduate, also is a Pierce County Soil Conservation District supervisor, a member of the North Dakota Farmers Union and Heart of America Concert Series boards, the township clerk-treasurer and a North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board volunteer. Rita is a member of the library board and a hospital volunteer. They have three children.

An agribusiness award recipient also is chosen annually. This award recognizes individuals who have distinguished themselves in the field of agriculture and business in North Dakota and beyond. This year’s award recipient was Jack Dalrymple, former Governor of North Dakota. More Dalrymple information is available at http://bit.ly/2017HarvestBowlAgribusinessAward .

Several scholarships also were awarded to outstanding male and female athletes during Harvest Bowl. Scholarship winners and photos are available at http://bit.ly/2017HarvestBowlAthletes .

– Submitted by Yolanda Schmidt, Pierce County NDSU Extension Service Agent