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Court is now in session

By Staff | Jul 7, 2017

Monica Elizabeth Herrick, of Minot, pleaded guilty to issuing a check/draft without sufficient funds or credit-a Class B misdemeanor. She was ordered to pay $163.29 in fees.

Everett Richard Lervik, of Willow City, pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct-a Class B misdemeanor. He was ordered to complete 25 hours of community service and pay $275 in fees. He was placed on 360 days unsupervised probation and was given four days’ credit for time previously served.

Anthony Melvin Hageness, of Rugby, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence of intoxicating liquors-a Class B misdemeanor. He was ordered to complete a chemical dependency evaluation and recommended treatment; participate in the 24/7 Sobriety Program; complete 25 hours of community service; and pay $775 in fees. He was placed on 360 days unsupervised probation.

Shaun Elliot Hill, of Minot, pleaded guilty to reckless driving-a Class B misdemeanor. He was ordered to complete a chemical dependency evaluation and recommended treatment; and play $750 in fees. He was placed on one year of unsupervised probation.

Kevin Lee Belgarde, of Belcourt, pleaded guilty to driving while license privilege is suspended-a Class B misdemeanor. He was ordered to pay $250 in fees.

Jamie Leigh Brunelle, of Belcourt, pleaded guilty to driving while license privilege is suspended-a Class B misdemeanor. She was ordered to pay $250 in fees.