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Samboree returns to Rugby

By Staff | Aug 16, 2013

After a brief hiatus, the North Dakota Good Sam Club Samboree is returning to Rugby.

The Samboree, held at the Pierce County Fairgrounds, runs from Aug. 22-25, with the early bird starting on Aug. 19.

According to State Director Luther Schoon, estimates that around 90 RVs will swamp the fairgrounds, and after spending two years in Williston, the state Samboree is returning to Rugby, which hosted the event previously.

“The people in Rugby have been so helpful and encouraging,” he said. “The city of Rugby is going all out.”

More than anything, Good Sam is about camaraderie, according to Schoon.

“You get to visiting people, start talking about rigs and highways you avoid or ones you look forward to coming back to,” he said.

The Samboree includes a number of seminars on topics like wind towers and emergency CPR as well as entertainment from Highway 43 and Dakota Blend.

The group will also tour the Prairie Village Museum and Rugby Manufacturing, which he said a number of registrants are excited to visit.

Although high fuel prices have curtailed the number of attendees in past years, Schoon said there should be nearly 200 people in Rugby over the weekend at the event.

“We have 65 registered and we always run between 20 and 30 drive-ins,” he said.

The Samboree doesn’t just draw RV enthusiasts from inside the state.

“I think we have one registered as far as Georgia and (people registered from) eight other states,” Schoon said.

Schoon said the Rugby Volunteer Fire Department will be hosting a bonfire for the group and he is excited the Samboree is returning to Rugby.

“Especially thanks to the city council the fair board and all of the businesses in Rugby that have worked so hard for this,” he said.