Lutheran Laymen’s League set for spring rallies
The North Dakota District Lutheran Laymen’s League will be holding several Spring rallies across the state during April and May.
The guest mission speaker will be Mr. Joe Boway, who was born and grew up in Africa. When logging trucks came into the jungle, missionaries were able to get to Joe’s village. Come hear the inspiring story of how God uses a baby born in the jungles of Africa to spread His word.
Joe now lives in Ft. Wayne, Ind., with his wife, Glendora, and two young sons. He is the head of the Liberian Children’s Ministry, with 12 schools serving over 3000 students and baptizing over 300 people in 2012.
The rally schedule for northwestern North Dakota is as follows: Tuesday, April 30 at Our Savior Lutheran Church, Bottineau at 7:30 p.m.; Wednesday, May 1 at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Minot at 7 p.m.; Thursday, May 2 at Our Savior Lutheran Church, Minot at 7 p.m.
The Lutheran Laymen’s League is an auxiliary of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and has a membership of 1200+ in the North Dakota district.