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Johnson re-elected to N.D. Oilseed Council Board

By Staff | Apr 22, 2013

Canola district elections were recently held in District II, electing Kipp Johnson of Rugby to his second term on the 15-member North Dakota Oilseed Council Board. Kipp will serve a three-year term as a canola representative on the Council.

District II includes the counties of Wells, Stutsman, Kidder, Pierce, Burleigh, Bottineau, Foster, Emmons, Dickey, Logan, Rolette, Sheridan, Eddy, Benson, McIntosh, McHenry, and LaMoure. Elected or appointed as canola county representatives in these counties were: Robert Subart, Robinson (Kidder); Kipp Johnson, Rugby (Pierce); Clarke Stevens, Glenburn (Bottineau); Bret McCloud, Rolla (Rolette); Larry Turner, Velva (McHenry); and Doug Erdmann, McClusky (Sheridan); Larry Stolz, Sykeston (Stutsman); Cary Moch, Braddock (Emmons); Lynn Karles, Sykeston (Wells); Adam Bettenhausen, Wishek (McIntosh).

Johnson farms in Rugby with his dad and two brothers. Johnson graduated from Rugby High School and Concordia College, Moorhead, MN. His wife is a teacher at Rugby High School, and they have two children, Isaiah, 12, and Annika, 9.

The NDOC currently contracts with the Northern Canola Growers Association to increase demand in domestic and foreign market development programs, to obtain crop protection registrations for canola, conduct canola research, and to provide information to North Dakota canola growers.

– Submitted by N.D. Oilseed Council