Harvey CWC has featured speaker
The Christian Women’s Club of Harvey is having a luncheon on Monday, April 8, from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Assembly of God Fellowship Hall, featuring speaker Ann Henzlik, of Chisago City, Minn.
Henzlik will present on the topic “Who Am I?”, and music for the afternoon will be provided by Mary Hall of Harvey.
For reservations, call Kathy Davis at 324-4728 or Elaine Palmer at 324-4260 by April 4, 2013.
Please call to cancel if unable to attend, but complimentary rides available.
– Submitted by CWC
Friends of Museum meet April 4
Everyone is welcome to attend the first Friends of the Museum meeting of the season at 11:30 a.m., Thursday, April 4, at the Coffee Cottage, Rugby.
Friends of the Museum help plan events, assist with activities, help in the museum office and gift shop, assist with buildings and grounds maintenance, help care for collections, and more.
Membership in Friends of the Museum is open to all Geographical Center Historical Society members. Memberships may be renewed or purchased at the meeting, $15 for individuals or $30 per household. All members receive season passes to the museum.
For more information, visit the museum website at, call 776-7606, or email
– Submitted by
Cathy Jelsing, Prairie Village Museum
Museum annual meeting April 14
The Geographical Center Historical Society, which manages Prairie Village Museum, will hold its annual meeting at 1:30 p.m., Sunday, April 14, at the Rugby Eagles Club.
The meeting is being held in conjunction with the museum’s Season Kick-Off Klub/Kumla & Ham Dinner and Program, featuring Fargo cartoonist/historian Steve Stark.
The main item of business will be the election of board members to replace David Bednarz and Tim Ostrem. The meeting is open to the public, but only museum members are eligible to vote.
Memberships, which include 2013 season passes to the museum, will be available for purchase during the dinner. Cost is $15 for individuals and $30 for households.
For more information, visit the museum website at, call 776-7606, or email
Local authors to speak at Cando Arts Center
Local Cando authors, Babe Belzer and Cynthia Eggl, will hold conversation and book signing on Thursday, April 4 at the Cando Arts Center Gallery, lower level of the Audi Theater. A reception will begin at 6 p.m. followed by Book Talks at 7 p.m.
Babe Belzer is the author of “Hopper,” a children’s book. Cynthia Eggl has written “Boundless Blessings and God’s Grace: My Journey Through Breast Cancer.”
The conversation with local Cando authors is supported by Cando Arts Council and Cando Community Library. Everyone is welcome to attend.
The Circus is coming to town
The Jose Cole Circus will be in Rugby on April 7 for a performance starting at 5 p.m. at the National Guard Armory.
Tickets for the event, which will feature animals, acrobats and clowns, go on sale April 7 at 4 p.m., an hour before the show starts. The circus is sponsored by the Rugby Chamber of Commerce and more information is available by calling the Chamber at 776-5846.
– Submitted by
Shelley Block, Rugby Chamber of Commerce
Lambda Chapter meets in Rugby
Twelve area educators and three guests were present at the March 23 meeting. Lambda Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma, is an international society for key women educators. Cynthia Jelleberg, North Central Education Cooperative Director, was the program guest and shared much about educational issues and her job as director. There are eight regional cooperatives in North Dakota and each school in North Dakota is a member of one of these. Areas of focus in each cooperative are: curriculum enhancement, technology, school improvement, professional development, and data gathering. Common core curriculum is being developed in North Dakota and other states, and this is to prepare students for college and career readiness. This focus was begun by the governors association, not the federal government.
The next meeting will be April 20th at Joanne McCarty’s home near York. Members from the Bottineau, Rugby, Towner, Rolla, Cando, Devils Lake, Knox, Kramer, and Wolford areas will share a morning brunch and have the enjoyment of learning about “Stained Glass.” Three new members will be initiated into the society. They are Khloe Sobolik, Rugby: Joanne McCarty, York; and Rhonda Condit, Bottineau.
Lost dog found in Barton
A lost dog was found in Barton about two weeks ago. The dog is black and white and the breed is believed to be border collie. Please call 776-5022 with information.