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NDTC donates to GSHS

By Staff | Dec 24, 2012

North Dakota Telephone Company (NDTC) has made a donation to the Good Samaritan Health Services (GSHS) Foundation. In the past five years NDTC has contributed to the Foundation for projects that benefit the communities who use the services of Heart of America Medical Center, Heart of America Johnson Clinic and Haaland Estates.

NDTC’s recent donation of $500 is in support of the Wheelchair Van Campaign being conducted by GSHS Foundation. The van will be used by by HAMC to transport residents for a variety of purposes.

“This van is about improving the quality of care and feelings of independence for our patients” said Joyce Teigen, Activity Director. The van will be used to transport individuals to special outings such as a birthday celebration, family reunion, wedding, funeral or a personal shopping trip.

“It’s really about allowing our residents to participate in more of the experiences that are important in their lives,” says Paul Schaan, GSHS Foundation Director. “NDTC has been a great supporter of the Medical Center and this is yet another example of how they impact our communities.”

The campaign fund currently stands at just over $25,000 toward a goal of $45,000 for the purchase of the specialty transport van.

– Submitted by GSHS