HAMC holds annual Tree of Giving ceremony

HAMC held its annual Tree of Giving ceremony Monday November 26th at 4 p.m. in the main entrance of the hospital. Those who attended the ceremony were touched by Bev Paul, Marge Heilman and Susan Anderson as they read names of persons which the lights on the Tree of Giving represent. Kat Brossart sang “The Christmas Song” and was later joined by her husband Bob to sing “White Christmas.” There were also treats and cider served after the ceremony.
2012 marks the 20th year for the Tree of Giving ceremony. The Tree of Giving campaign was developed for “caring and sharing for healthcare” and money raised goes toward a variety of initiatives. Funds from this year’s Tree of Giving will help to remodel the dining rooms on second and third floors.
You can still purchase a light on the Tree of Giving. Lights can be purchased for the Tree of Giving at many levels: $100 and above is represented by a blue light on the tree; $25 gets you a crystal light on the tree; $10 is represented by a green light; and $5 either gets you a red light or white light. Lights can be purchased in memory of a loved one or as a greeting to a special friend or relative.
If you are interested in donating to Tree of Giving, you can find order forms at Rugby banks and funeral homes, in the Pierce County Tribune or by contacting HAMC Volunteer Services Coordinator Linda Kay Duchscher at 701-776-5455 ext. 2315.