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Events Briefs

By Staff | Oct 20, 2012

Surround the State in Song set for today

There will be a “Surround the State in Song” honor choir concert for area 5th and 6th grade students on Oct. 13 at the Tilman Hovland Auditorium.

Students from area schools will come together to practice all day long and then perform a concert that evening.

The concert will be held at 4 p.m. and is free and open to the public.

Dr. Charlette Moe, a professor at NDSU, will be guest conducting.

Ely Elementary Music Teacher Andee Mattson asks that the community please come support our young musicians!

“Off the Map”

to premier Tuesday

The documentary film, “Off The Map”, will be shown on Tuesday, October 16 at 7 p.m. in the Cando Audi Theater. The film was created by Kathy Coudle-King, Grand Forks playwright and lecturer in the UND English Department.

The film depicts small towns in North Dakota, the community spirit of the individuals living in these small towns and how the oil boom in western North Dakota is affecting the state.

Many North Dakota towns on and “off the map” were visited in preparation of the film. Some towns included were: Beach, Cavalier, Crosby, Granville, Lostwood, Michigan, Olga, Richardton, Ruso, Stanley, Tioga, Tuttle and Walhalla.

Music for the 48-minute documentary film was contributed by North Dakota songwriters and singers.

Discussion, led by Ms. Coudle-King, and a reception will follow the presentation of the film. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The film is supported by North Dakota Council on Arts, which receives funding from the state legislature, the National Endowment for Arts, North Dakota Humanities Council, Towner County Economic Development and the Cando Arts Council.


Lights Lions hosting festival

Rugby’s Northern Lights Lions Club will host their “Wine, Beer and Art Fest” on Oct. 25 at the Rugby Country Club.

The event features a variety of wines and beers for sampling, and hors d’oeuvres. The group is adding two varieties of chili to the offering this year in the hopes of attracting more gentlemen to the event.

There will be a number of prize drawings and fun activities, but the highlight of the evening is always the work of the featured artist.

This year the artist is local photographer Dan Smith, whose work is often found in the pages of the Pierce County Tribune.

Smith has provided a beautiful photograph that will be raffled off the evening of the festival and will have a number of images on display as well as more for viewing on his computer.

Rugby’s Northern Lights Lions Club was started when a group of people who appreciate the service programs and ideals of the Lions International, but for whom the weekly noontime meetings of the Rugby Lions Club were not possible, decided to strike out on their own.

Though the Northern Lights have only held their charter for one year, the group is already making contributions to the larger community of the organization. President Sandy Wurgler said the group has worked to provide gas cards for Pierce County residents traveling for cancer treatment, does upkeep on the tree row along the walking path and has provided trees for planting at the Prairie Village Museum. Northern Lights Lions also provides financial support for many of the Lions International programs, with a particular interest in the Service Dogs program based out of Jud.

– Northern

Lights Lions

Lions Club charter night this week

The Rugby Lions Club is celebrating its 84th Annual Charter Night Monday, Oct. 15. The club, which was chartered Sept. 7, 1928, has the motto “we serve.”

The Charter Night will be celebrated at Dakota Farms in Rugby, with a social starting at 6 p.m.

The Lions Club is an international organization that serves at the local, national and international level. It’s main focus is vision, but it also provides assistance in other areas of need.

The Rugby Lions Club, along with its focus on vision, has ben involved at the local level with Project Joy, an annual blood drive and Music in the Park.

– Rugby Lions Club

TGU Blood

Drive in Granville Oct. 15

United Blood Services is urging residents of the Granville area to make time to help save lives by donating to the TGU High School Honor Society blood drive on Monday, Oct. 15.

The blood drive will be held from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the TGU school library. Contact Mrs. Hunskor or Mattea at the school by calling (701) 728-6641 to make an appointment.

“Generally, most healthy people over 16 may donate,” said Rich Larcombe from United Blood Services. “There are numerous people who do not realize they are qualified to donate. People who are taking medications that regulate the body, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, hormone replacements, diet pills, high blood pressure, cholesterol medications, antibiotics for acne or medications for diabetes can and should donate.”

According to United Blood Services, less than 4 percent of the North Dakota population donates blood to supply the 80,000 units needed each year. The demand is rapidly increasing due to modern surgical techniques and new therapeutic uses for blood and additional “lifesaving” blood donors are needed almost daily.

The blood drive is facilitated by United Blood Services and sponsored by TGU Granville High School Honor Society.

– United Blood
