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By Staff | Oct 13, 2012

Crash near Cando kills two

A head-on collision on Highway 17 in Pierce County (about 13 miles west of Cando) left two dead and one injured on Tuesday morning, September 25.

A 1998 Chevy Cavalier was going eastbound on Highway 17, when a 1985 International semi with an empty hay rack trailer entered the highway and started traveling westbound. The Chevy failed to negotiate a curve and then entered the westbound lane. The semi moved to the right, trying to avoid the car, but the car kept going and struck the trailer’s rear tires. The semi then jack-knifed, entering the ditch and coming to rest with its wheels partially on the road. The Chevy rotated counter-clockwise and entered the south ditch, its wheels on the shoulder.

The driver, Dillion Azure, 24, Belcourt, and a 19-year old passenger, Calleen Belgarde, also of Belcourt, were pronounced dead. A third passenger, Alysaa Azure, 19, Belcourt, was injured and airlifted to Trinity Hospital in Minot. The semi driver, Dana McIntyre of Leeds, wasn’t injured.

The accident is still under investigation by the North Dakota Highway Patrol.

Respondents were the North Dakota Highway Patrol, Cando and Rugby fire departments, Rugby Ambulance and Towner County Ambulance.

Girl Scouts looking for members

Rugby’s chapter of the Girl Scouts is looking for members.

Membership in the troop is open to all girls in grades K-12. A registration event will take place Friday, Oct. 5 from 5:30 to 7 p.m at Ely Elementary. The troop is also looking for adult volunteers to help them out.

For more information contact Amanda Loughman at 701-208-1415 or email amandadeg2002@yahoo.com.

Annual meeting the Good Samaritan Hospital Association

The Annual Meeting of the Good Samaritan Hospital Association will be held on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at 7:00 pm in the W.R. Fox Auditorium, located at the Heart of America Medical Center in Rugby.

GSHA member churches have been invited and are entitled to three voting representatives each. The thirty member churches are from Rugby and surrounding areas, including Willow City, Leeds, Maddock, Towner, Dunseith, Balta/Orrin, and Rolette/Wolford.

There are three board positions open for election this year. The respective areas and representatives include:

Rugby Wes Black

Willow City Richard “Dick” Anderson

Towner Stacey Schmitt

These individuals have agreed to accept a nomination for another three-year term. Member churches from these areas are asked to nominate one of these individuals or a qualified individual from their area.

NDDOT seeking comments Transportation Improvement Program

The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) is seeking comments on an amendment to the 2012-2015 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) for a change in location of the following previously-published project in 2012.

State Projects:

The projects on US Highway 2 from the North Dakota State Line east to the junction of US Highway 85 west of Williston have been upgraded to a thicker hot bituminous overlay and/or new concrete overlay with some widening, bridge work, and the addition of turn lanes. The cost for the project increased approximately $15.5 million.

The public is invited to view the current STIP on the NDDOT website at by clicking on the Manuals and Publications icon on the left-hand side, then clicking on the “Final STIP 2012-2015” link under the Plans and Reports section.

Comments should be sent no later than October 5, 2012 to Chad M. Orn at NDDOT, 608 E Boulevard Ave, Bismarck.