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Wolford school board approves 9% increase of tax dollars

By Staff | Jul 31, 2012

The Wolford School Board held a public hearing on Tuesday, July 24 after their regular and annual meetings in the school library. No one from the public appeared or testified at the hearing. Ron Graber, board president, reported that he had three telephone calls about the tax levy and the general consensus was to do what needed to be done to keep the school open.

Wolford Superintendent Larry Zavada led a discussion on the building fund, the heating, ventilation, air conditioning system (HVAC) fund, and technology fund, as well as the general fund. The board had to vote on all four areas to request funds for them.

For the general fund, the board is limited to a 12% increase in dollars requested which would make the maximum amount of dollars they could request at $316,116.76. an increase of $33,825.01. This would result in a general fund mill levy reduction of 23.04 mills. Three other options were also discussed. Option 1 – a 10% increase in dollars which would generate an additional funding of $28,229.18 and a general fund mill reduction of 26.04 mills making the drop from 135 mills to 109.96. Option 2 – increase dollars requested by 9% generating an additional $25,412.27 and a drop in the mill levy of 26.04 mills from 135 to 108.96. Third Option – increase dollars requested by 8% generating an additional $22,588 and a mill reduction of 27.04 and mill levy of 107.96.

One mill in this school district is valued at $2,824.69. The value of a mill increases or decreases according to taxable valuations on property. This year taxable valuations in Pierce County have increased which will raise the amount of dollars at which a mill will be valued.

After a discussion of the options, the board approved a request for a 9% increase of dollars in the general fund which would add $25,412.27 and lower mills 26.04 to 108.96. The total dollar request by the board is $307,778.22 for the general fund. For both the building fund and the HAVC fund the board approved maintaing the current levy at 10 mills. The technology fund will continue to be maintained at 5 mills.

Due to an increase in taxable valuations the board is no longer using the excess 25 mills that voters approved.

“The board was very appreciative of that vote,” said the superintendent. “It got the school through tough times.”

Two newly-elected board members took the oath of office and the board elected officers at their July meeting held prior to the hearing. Ron Graber was unanimously re-elected president of the board. New board member, Jeff Morrow was elected vice-president.

The board approved a preliminary budget for the 2012-2013 school year with revenue at $865,957.31 and expenditures at $809,187.13. The final budget will be voted on at a later meeting.