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Rugby blood drive set for July 19

By Staff | Jul 13, 2012

Doctors, firefighters, police officers and lifeguards aren’t the only ones who’ll be saving lives this summer. People in the Rugby area will be donating blood on Thursday, July 19 at the Calvary Evangelical Free Church.

To make an appointment to donate at the Rugby blood drive between noon and 6 p.m. at the Calvary Evangelical Free Church, please call Wanda Follman at 583-2382 or email wanda.follman@sendit.nodak.edu. The blood drive is facilitated by United Blood Services, and sponsored by St Mary’s Catholic Church, Knox ND.

Donating blood gives someone the “gift of life”. A “lifesaving” donation gives grandpa and grandma at least one more anniversary, provides one more smile on a young child’s face, one more family vacation, one more day in the sun. There are very few things one person can do for another that has so much value.

“Generally, most healthy people over 16 may donate,” explains Rich Larcombe, United Blood Services. “There are numerous people who do not realize they are qualified to donate. People who are taking medications that regulate the body, over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, hormone replacements, diet pills, high blood pressure medications, cholesterol medications, antibiotics for acne, or medications for diabetes can and should donate.”

“We invite and encourage people to roll up their sleeves and donate at the Rugby Blood Drive. Here is an opportunity to give a priceless gift that will make a real difference in someone’s life and costs nothing but about an hour of your time,” Larcombe said.

Please call or stop by. You can donate blood, get your blood typed, and get your blood pressure, temperature, hematocrit, BMI, pulse and cholesterol checked, all in less time then it takes for a long lunch. You will “Save Someone’s Life”.

Walk-in’s are always welcome.