Craun proposes MRI modular building
Rugby is making progress toward creating additional affordable housing, while the Heart of America Medical Center (HAMC) is adding a building so the medical facility can offer MRIs every day in the near future. These were both items of discussion on the agenda for the July 1 meeting of the city council.
Scott Craun, plant operations director, HAMC, presented a proposal to add an MRI modular building to the south side of the present hospital building.
The medical facility currently offers Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) once a week through contracted services. The radiology director of HAMC has recently contracted with NXC Imaging to procure the equipment required to provide this service through the hospital, according to Craun’s report. With this service in place, MRIs are projected to increase in volume by 50%, said Craun.
Craun went on to explain that the MRI service would be housed in a modular building, which would be built to the 2009 International Building Code standards. It will be located on the south side of the hospital building tucked up to the clinic garages. A new concrete slab will be poured to provide a stable foundation for both the building and the magnet. There would be a 2′ separation between the buildings, and a causeway to provide patient access would be added. An additional outside access doorway will be located through the radiology department.
Councilman Jim Hoffert questioned whether the modular unit would be as aesthetically pleasing as the rest of the medical center. Hoffert also questioned if the insulation was enough for this part of the country.
After a discussion on what could be done, including the possibility of a fence around the modular building because of the possibility of a magnetic field from this kind of imagery, Hoffert made a conditional motion to accept the proposal. Hoffert moved to accept the proposal with an aesthetically pleasing facade and proper insulation for efficiency. The motions was unanimously approved with the absence of Jerry Harmel, who resigned at the last meeting.
Brenda Foster, director of the Job Development Authority (JDA) provided a report on JDA activities. This led into a discussion on the new Chalmer’s Addition to Rugby.
Foster reported that the meeting for housing developers that was set for June 14 for anyone interested in developing the housing project on the east side did not produce the desired response. A new meeting for developers has been set up for Monday, July 30.Watch the Tribune and listen to the radio station for information on themeeting. This meeting is a chance for developers to meet with people wishing to build houses in Rugby. Part of the day will be open to the public for information on the newest Rugby housing development.
The city and JDA are working together to start building in the new addition this fall if all goes as projected.