Heart of America limerick contest results
Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day was evident by the 75 entries in the limerick contest at the Heart of America Library.
Adult division DeeDee Bischoff
I’ve been to Ireland a lot,
But only through books that I’ve got
From my fav’rite librarians
(Who aren’t County Clare-ians,
But does that matter? Or not?
So I can say I’ve been there,
To County Mayo or Clare,
With the help of those pages
And scholarly sages,
And I’ve never left my chair!
Youth grade 5-12 division
Nathaniel Haman
Leprechaun mcNate
There once was a leprechaun mcNate
Who wanted to go on a date
Kate was his choice
But she had no voice
And that was the end of mcNate.
K-4 division
Cole Vietz-Reile
I once knew a man named Sue
He got run over by a tutu.
The tutu was red
It got stuck on his head.
And that was the end of Sue.