Bullying Policy put on first reading
The Rugby School Board put a bullying policy on first reading at their March 13 meeting after they reviewed it.
The wording must match the wording in the North Dakota Century Code 15.1-19-17 through 15.1-19-22 which reads: “Bullying” means: a.) Conduct that occurs in a public school, on school district premises, in a district owned or leased school bus or school vehicle, or at any public school or school district-sanctioned or sponsored activity or event and which: is so severe, pervasive, or objectively offensive that it substantially interferes with the student’s educational opportunities; places the student in actual and reasonable fear of harm; places the student in actual and reasonable fear of damage to property of the student; or substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the public school; or b.) Conduct that is received by a student while the student is in a public school, on school district premises, in a district-owned or leased school bus or school vehicle, or at any public school or school district-sanctioned or sponsored activity or event and which: is so severe, pervasive, or objectively offensive that it substantially interferes with the student’s educational opportunities; place the student in actual and reasonable fear of harm; places the student in actual and reasonable fear of damage to property of the student; or substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the public school. 2. “Conduct” includes the use of technology or other electronic media.
The policy is approximately 6 pages long further defining all the aspects of bullying. It spells out investigation procedures, disciplinary and corrective measures, reporting procedures for alleged policy violations, reporting to law enforcement, documentation and retention and victim protection strategies.
The board also approved the recommendations for staffing adjustments at Ely Elementary School. Because at the end of the 2011-2012 school year there will be no remaining ARRA funds or Title I carryover funds, two of the three FTE positions for Title 1 will remain and one will be reduced by attrition. Deb Goven will remain in the Title I program. For the second position a 1.0 FTE position in Title I will be adverrised and filled. Cassie Duchscher will be reassigned to the 5th grade classroom vacated by the retirement of Kathy Johnson. Allyson Schepp will be reassigned to the 1st grade classroom vacated by the retirement of Meredith Schultz.
In the final business of the March 13 meeting, the school board approved four FY13 administration salaries as follows: Superintendent – $104,000 and increased vacation time from 20 days to 25 days; Elementary Principal – $70,000; Athletic Director – $10,700; and Business Manager – $46,000.