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Balta Centennial: Be there or be square

By Staff | Jan 27, 2012

Mark those calendars for the weekend of June 15, 16, and 17. Those are the dates of the three-day extravaganza celebration for the 100th Birthday of the City of Balta and All-School Reunion.

Letters have been sent to all alumni who could be located for the All-School Reunion. If anyone was missed, it was not intentional. Please get in contact with Monica Grove either by phone at 701-776-6904 or send a note confirming intention to attend to: Monica Grove at 6471 Hwy 3 South, Rugby, ND 58368. Registrations are starting to filter in already.

“We are encouraging alumni and guests to bring their musical instruments for a jam session or two,” said Cheryl Hager.

On Friday, June 15, the All-School Reunion banquet will be held at the Rugby Eagles Club.

Activities planned for the three-day Centennial Celebration include a Dam Fun Run, alumni basketball games, a pancake breakfast supporting the Rugby Fire Department, a parade, an arts and crafts fair, silent auction, food vendors, memorabilia display, and two street dances, on Friday and on Saturday nights in Balta. Dave Brandt is organizing a car show with the theme “If it has a wheel, it has appeal”.

Many activities for the kids are also being planned including a petting zoo both Friday and Saturday, a bounce house, a climbing wall, and competitions for kids. Many activities for the celebration are in the planning stage, but all promise fun for all ages.

Rumor has it that people are planning family reunions to coincide with the celebration. Everyone is welcome to participate in all activities in Balta.

The committees are looking for parade entries (class floats, old tractors, anything anyone can think of), car show entries, fun run entries and arts and crafts vendors. Contact Cheryl Hager or any committee member to participate.

Raffle tickets are being sold and are available to purchase at most of the banks and from any committee member (which is the whole town). Any clubs or kids’ groups that need to raise money can contact the committee for ideas. Donations to the celebration are always welcome.

Please support Hav-It of Harvey who will provide barrels for recycling. Neighboring towns are helping in whatever way they can to celebrate Balta’s 100th Birthday party. All donations are graciously accepted.

A special Mass has been arranged with alumni providing music and eucharistic ministers, etc. Father Joseph Senger will return to celebrate the Mass.

Everyone is invited to come and celebrate in the fun of Balta’s Centennial Celebration in June.Everyone is invited to come and celebrate in the fun of Balta’s Centennial Celebration in June.Everyone is invited to come and celebrate in the fun of Balta’s Centennial Celebration in June.Everyone is invited to come and celebrate in the fun of Balta’s Centennial Celebration in June.