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Telethon to raise money for Minot flood relief and recovery set for Sept. 12

By Staff | Sep 3, 2011

The Minot Area Community Foundation leadership and volunteer partners announced the date for Bring Back the Magic, a telethon they hope will raise $1 million to help people affected by flooding in Minot and the surrounding area. All telethon costs have been underwritten allowing all proceeds to go to the Minot Area Recovery Fund.

The telethon will take place Monday, Sept. 12 from 7 p.m. to midnight at Ann Nicole Nelson Hall in Old Main on the Minot State University campus. The telethon will be aired on major television and cable networks and radio outlets in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota.

“I have no doubt that the telethon will reach its goals. The focus and generosity of the organizers makes it a sure fire success. And once again, we are humbled in Minot by the time and effort and care so many people continue to show as we work to recover from flooding,” says Ken Kitzman, president of the Minot Area Community Foundation, which established the recovery fund.

Telethon chair Patrick Finken, President of Odney says media partners are key to the telethon’s reach and ultimate success. “The media jumped on to this concept and have been very generous,” Finken says. Media partners include Hoak Media; Reiten Television; Prime Cities Broadcasting; Clear Channel Radio; Radio Fargo-Moorhead; Programmers Broadcasting; Minot Daily News; Bismarck Tribune; and Midcontinent Communications. Additional media partners are expected to come on board in the coming days. Other partners include Odney, Minot State University, United Printing/Spit n’ Image and SRT Communications.

Telethon organizers have set a goal of $1 million for the telethon. The fundraising committee includes Pat Finken, U.S. Senator John Hoeven and Andy Peterson of the North Dakota Chamber. Donations during the telethon will be accepted by phone through a 1-800 number, online or via text. Organizations wanting to hold fundraisers for the telethon or businesses interested in making major contributions on the air should contact Patrick Finken at 701-222-8721 by Friday, Sept. 9.

For more information about the telethon, contact the Minot Area Community Foundation at 701-852-0646 or visit www.centerforcommunitygiving.com.