U.S. Census Bureau releases population figures
The 2010 census data was released last week and showed that Rugby’s population hadn’t decreased as much as was predicted.
Rugby’s population has decreased by 63 from 2,939 in 2000 to 2,876 in 2010. Pierce County’s population was listed as 4,357 in the 2010 Census data. This figure is down by 318 people from the 2000 census figure of 4,675. Pierce County covers 1,017.82 square miles.
The population of other towns in Pierce County according to the 2010 census are as follows: Balta 65, Barton 20, Orrin 22, Selz 46 and Wolford 36.
Neighboring counties McHenry (5,395), Benson (6,660), and Wells (4,207) and Bottineau (6,429) had all decreased since the 2000 census. Only Rolette County had increased to 13,937, almost 2% from the 2000 census.
North Dakota’s population has increased by 30,391 in the last ten years, according to 2010 census data. The current population is 672,591 which is up from the year 2000 census figure of 642,200. The population change coincides with strong job gains in the state, according to Job Service and the ND census committee.
North Dakota maintains its one representative in Congress which is based on population. A state can have one representative for every roughly, 660.000 population.
The actual census count day was April 1, 2010.