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Townships meet with commission

By Staff | Jan 21, 2011

The Pierce County Commissioners met with the township officers to exchange information in a special meeting on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 19, at Memorial Hall. Approximately 25 township representatives attended.

Reflective signs were the first order of business. All agencies have until January 15, 2012 to have reflective signs installed where they need to be in the county, according to the county commissioners.

An increase in mileage payments for service for blading and snow removal was announced. The mileage is being increased from $105/township certified mile to $115/tcm The county is asking the townships to foot their own bills for each township.

“Where did the county get the money before we paid?” asked one township representative.

The money has come from the county’s general fund in the past.

“We are at a point where we can’t absorb the cost anymore,” said Commissioner Dave Migler.

The county distributed sheets of paper with the costs to township representatives so they could see why there is a need for the townships to take responsibility for the cost of their own blading and snow removal at this point.

“Why do the rates go up, but the service is not good?” said Rodney Schmitt, Elling Township.

An unidentified man from another township, responded, “service in my area is excellent.”

“The bladers document which roads as they clear them,” said Joe Bohl, chairman, Pierce County Commission. “So we should be able to check.”

Schmitt asked if the blader could put the blade down harder as it seems that the snow piles up quickly out where he is. Migler responded that he would tell the bladers to put the blade down to remove more snow.

“We are here to listen to your concerns,” added Bohl.

County Auditor Karin Fursather gave a report on FEMA ’09. “All of the scope work has been completed for 2009, ” she said.

She told the township representatives that as for administration money, the townships may be able to be reimbursed for the costs of getting to and from sites on project worksheets, but the mileage and locations have to be documented. She encouraged the townships to pay their people and then submit the bill and documentation to the county and the county will reimburse the townships.

With FEMA, the gravel has to be obtained from certified borrow pits or there is no reimbursement.

Fursather also reported that the FEMA 2005 year has to be audited. Then she will send in the 2009 year and hopefully, there will be no problems with 2009.

The final report was from Dave Migler on the Weed Board. As many people know, B.R. Hornstein has retired, said Migler.

“We are contracting it out this year,” Migler said of the spraying for noxious weeds. After this spraying season the contracting for spraying services will be evaluated and a decision for the following year made from that evaluation.