New Year’s Community Bash a huge success
It’s history now, but the first non-alcohol New Year’s Eve party sponsored by Rugby Safe Communities was held on Friday, Dec. 31 at the Rugby Armory. It was a huge success.
Over 200 people of all ages attended this family-friendly event.
Door prizes were announced and distributed throughout the evening. The big door prize, an X-box 360 was won by Irene Buckmiller, Rugby.
Pizza, subs and other food were provided by the committee and its volunteers. Games like balloon basketball (hands cannot be used), cake walk, rug race, and others had kids from 2-18 participating. Whole families came together. Kids had the full run of the gym at the armory.
Some were dressed in masks and had noisemakers to blow, others made their own noises. All were having fun.
In another room, Bingo was played with cool prizes provided by area businesses. The first lady to yell “Bingo” won a gift certificate to the Dairy Queen for her correctly filled card. People of all ages were playing Bingo, little ones to seniors. It was a party that everyone could enjoy.
The community’s law enforcement officers were there interacting with the families. People visited with neighbors and friends as the children played.
The party was sponsored with a grant of $1,000 from North Dakota Department of Human Services and donations from local businesses. Rugby Safe Communities meets monthly to discuss and plan ways to create a safer community for Rugby.
A dance to music with Dave Trottier and Lila Harstad, KZZJ Radio, as hosts capped off the evening.