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Swimming pool topic of discussion at City Council

By Staff | Nov 5, 2010

The Rugby Municipal Pool filtering system was a topic of discussion at the November 1 City Council meeting.

David Volk, Associated Pool Builders, Bismarck, brought information to the council about filtering systems.

At their September meeting, the council voted to switch from liquid chlorine back to gas chlorine. They had used gas chlorine ten years ago and found gas to be cheaper. It was reported at that meeting that the switch was estimated to save the city $1500 per year. They also voted at that time to put in a 2’x4′ chlorine station outside the pool.

Volk expressed concern about the safety of using gas chlorine which can cause serious respiratory problems if inhaled. He said that chlorine gas is the cheapest to install but if something goes wrong and someone gets sick, it could cost more in the long run. Volk said gas could be used if safety measures are taken.

He suggested granular chlorine which comes in buckets with a shelf life of 2 or 3 years so it can be stored and what’s left in the bucket can be used again. There is some maintenance with this option.

He, also, touched on the liquid chlorine which comes in bulk and is expensive.

Volk said he was not present to change anyone’s mind but just to offer the alternatives.

He recommended that the city purchase six filters and bags of sand to clean the water. He suggested a 15 hp pump would be needed for the Rugby pool.

No action was taken at this meeting so it stands that the City will be using gas chlorine in its operation.

In other business before the council:

*Council approves minutes, bills and financial statements, JDA minutes and financial statements, and the municipal judge’s report.

*Council approes Haaland Estates raffle application and Little Flower School PTO raffle application.

*City employees request the Friday after Thanksgiving, November 26 off. The City approved but the employees must take a vacation day that day.

*No major issues in any of the committee reports.